In this episode of the Ferrari Marketplace Podcast, host William Ross discusses Ferrari’s recent tightening of their car personalization program, limiting what owners can do in terms of customization. He explores the impact of these restrictions on resale value and the buyer’s pool. He criticizes manufacturers like Ferrari and Porsche for enforcing strict post-sale modification guidelines, even for subsequent owners. Through various examples, he highlights the tension between manufacturers wanting to maintain brand integrity and the rights of owners to modify their cars. He also references legal cases, such as Ford’s failed lawsuit against John Cena, to illustrate the complexities of these issues. The episode ends with a call for listener interaction and potential guest appearances to discuss related topics.
Episode 34
On Ferrari Friday’s, William Ross from the Exotic Car Marketplace will be discussing all things Ferrari and interviewing people that live and breathe the Ferrari brand. Topics range from road cars to racing; drivers to owners, as well as auctions, private sales and trends in the collector market.
- 00:00 Introduction to the Show
- 01:12 Ferrari’s Customization Crackdown
- 03:02 Impact on Resale Value
- 04:05 Rich People and Their Spending Habits
- 04:59 YouTubers and Ferrari’s Brand Image
- 05:51 Liberty Walk and Customization
- 07:32 Legal Battles and Manufacturer Rights
- 09:45 Ownership and Customization Rights
- 20:30 Final Thoughts and Call to Action
[00:00:00] As part of Ferrari Fridays, William Ross from the Exotic Car Marketplace will be discussing all things Ferrari and interviewing people that live and breathe the Ferrari brand. Topics range from road cars to racing, drivers to owners, as well as auctions, private sales, and trends in the collector market.
Welcome back to the Ferrari Marketplace Podcast. I’m your host, William Ross. Before we jump into this, I want to give a shout out to our supporters and sponsors. First, the Exotic Car Marketplace. ExoticCarmarketplace. com for everything exotic cars from Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini, and Koenigsegg. To the Motoring Podcast Network, check out the Family of Automotive Podcasts at motoringpodcasts.
net. If you’re into anything with wheels and a motor, this is the site to check out and listen to your favorite podcast. To Grand Touring Motorsports, covering all aspects of auto racing, and be sure to check out the [00:01:00] monthly e zine at gtmotorsports. org. And finally, our favorite slot mod guys at slotmods.
com. For the coolest slot tracks in the world, check out their website and let your imagination run wild. This week we are going to be talking about Ferrari’s latest, I don’t want to say onslaught. God, how would, I’m trying to think of what the right word would be to say this. Their latest thing to rail against, I guess you could say, and attacking owners and what someone’s allowed to do with their car after they buy it.
Now they put out a presser in regards to stating, and I’m sure they were kind of doing this, but I don’t know how wild they let people get, but in their personalization program. Obviously, those lucky few that are in that little, uh, family or whatever, they get to choose and customize their cars from the factory.
Ferrari says they’re going to tighten the reins, so to speak, on what someone’s going to be allowed to do, can’t do, or what they’re going to let someone do. [00:02:00] Now, obviously, I don’t think they’re going to let him come out of the factory like in polka dots and stuff like that. But as the YouTube generation and Instagram, TikTok and all that gets bigger and more influential and people needing to stand out from the guy next to him, so to speak.
So they’re doing stupider, wilder, crazier things with their car. Ferrari’s just not going to let you come out of the gate swinging for the fences. with the car from the factory that’s customized to the tilt. So they’re going to get really stringent and strict in regards to what you’re going to be able to do.
And it’s going to, and this is going to come down to color combinations too. I don’t think they’re going to let someone go nuts with the color interior choice. Like even if you’re doing a solid exterior. Then, you know, your interior colors, they’re not going to let someone go with a yellow exterior, red interior with green stripes, you know, something stupid that makes it look like it’s a hamburger topping on it, you know, just like with lettuce, tomato, ketchup, mustard, and all that kind of stuff.
[00:03:00] So they’re going to get a little more strict in regards to that. Cause I think they’re, you know, looking at obviously resale side of it. And I would say, you know, looking out for that purchaser, because you get more and more individualized with your options and choices, which what you do for your guys from the factory, or even after the fact, I mean, you really narrowed down.
You’re buying audience when you go to resell that car. I mean, and it’s with any car. Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini, any car. Chevy, doesn’t matter. You know, if you get stupid with some combos and stuff like that, you’re buying pool gets very, very small because now you’re talking about someone’s personal preference and taste.
And let’s face it, you know, and to try and remedy some of those things, even though you’re working with a great solid base, you’re working with a 296 or 488, whatever. Okay. Yeah, you can go back and you can change it. It’s one thing to do it on, say, a Chevy Corvette or something like that, where I say it’s relatively cheap, so to speak.
You know, you got your Ferrari tax, so it’s gonna be a lot more expensive to get stuff back to either original or [00:04:00] factory or what have you on a Ferrari than it is, say, on a Chevy or a Ford. So, you gotta look that way. Now, of course, people that are buying these things got the checkbooks and the pocketbook, you know, to be able to remedy these things.
But surprisingly, and I’m sure a lot of you probably do know this or are aware of this, rich people are very, very cheap. Very, very cheap and stingy. Uh, I don’t know, maybe that’s the way they, you know, they are rich. They hold onto the money because they just are very, very cheap. I mean, I can tell you horror stories.
People trying to save, you know, a hundred bucks or something like that and the guy’s worth hundreds of millions of dollars. He wants to save a hundred dollars and cheapen out. This kind of goes back to the shipping situation in regards to someone Trying to go with the cheapest route for someone shipping their million dollar car.
Why would you do that? So, and that’s a scenario too is they’re going to go the cheapest route or they’re going to expect it for free or like that. Cause as also rich people kind of anticipate the figure everyone should just give them everything because, Oh, I have all this money. Just give me stuff for free.
Their mentality and the way they view the world is so different from actual people that live in the real world compared to where they are. [00:05:00] But anyways, and this kind of goes back to my last episode in regards to. These annoying YouTubers and their statements they make about what they do with their cars.
Ferrari’s getting more and more tricked, I guess, I guess you could say, in regards to setting out cease and desist letters and telling people, Hey, you can’t do that. Hey, you’re diminishing our brand value because you’re doing this to your car. Some of the people that I was referencing in my last episode, it’s like, they’re just waiting, counting the days till they get the cease and desist.
Well, they get it. Who knows? On one side of it, they’re worried about their brand and value and all that. Also is another side, when you got someone that’s got four or 5 million subscribers and they get, you know, half a million views per video, as soon as it drops, that’s pretty good marketing. That’s not costing you a penny.
So it’s kind of like. All right, where do you draw that line? And, you know, I’ve heard the stories, you know, people fiddle with it and they do certain things to it, but then they remove the badging, and if they don’t refer to it as [00:06:00] a Ferrari XYZ, whatever you want to call it, then, you know, they kind of will leave you alone, but they get a little prickly when you start fiddling with Something and you throw the Ferrari name in there and they put some other name or something to it But then the car is like absolutely horrendously gaudy and ugly nothing against I like some of the stuff Liberty Walk does Don’t get me wrong, you know some of the stuff that their kits and stuff are pretty nice.
They’re pretty cool. Again though, I’m a purist. I don’t like things too obscene or too crazy because some of the things they put out there are just like way over the top. Now I will say what they just did with that Lamborghini Miura is outstanding. That looks gorgeous. Subtle, but what they did was instead of like just doing some bolt on stuff to the fenders and that kind of stuff, they actually made.
Whole clamshell the whole thing and whatnot. So it’s all one piece. So it all looks like it was almost from the factory Not so much. Okay, you just went down to AutoZone and bought yourself some mud guards and screwed them on with some tap screws You know that kind of scenario sad to say some of this stuff does look like You get some of these guys that you know [00:07:00] again trying to get views is I’m gonna buy something off of Timu and get it On there.
Obviously you good. Well, no, I mean any kid you can buy anything from anywhere high end low end whatnot It’s never always going to fit 100%. You’re always going to have to fiddle with it. You’re going to have to have body work done to it. It’s just plain and simple. It’s just, it’s the way it is. I mean, unless you build each kit specifically for each car, like you do a 3D scan of it, you got your ferro arm or whatever you’re scanning, you scan that specific car, then you get it all made specifically for that car.
They’re okay, but you still got to do some tweaks to it. But, going back to this fiddling with It’s the brand and image and what Ferrari’s doing and Porsche is notorious for this as well. I have a little back story on that for a project that I was involved in for a period of time, but the lawyers got ahold of the one person that was involved in this kind of got the whole thing hatched.
And you know, they got their panties in a bunch because the way the verbiage were title was like that. Of course, then they got mad at me because I was out there trying to [00:08:00] promote it a little bit and I was using exactly what. They had put out there in regards to the website, everything. So they get mad at me.
It’s like, well, they’re going to find out some point in time. So why are you mad at me? You know, I don’t get it. But again, it’s always those people. They point fingers at everyone else. So looking in the fricking mirror and say, Oh, you know what? I effed up my bad. Oh, well, we got it taken care of. You know, that kind of nonsense.
But anyways, back to Ferrari. You’re finding it more. I would say with four or five eights are being that’s a notorious. But those are the ones you’re seeing a lot. That’s so much a four, eight, eight. 458s, there’s a lot of aftermarket kits out there for those cars. Now the one very high profile celebrities that do some obnoxious, really obnoxious things with their car, i.
e. there’s one Canadian person that got blacklisted by Ferrari because he did some absolutely obnoxious things to his car. So I mean, given blacklist, what’s that going to do? Okay. You’re not going to be able to buy a new one, but you can buy a used one, obviously. But they went so [00:09:00] far and I guess, and it’s all how this person is using that vehicle in regards to image and branding and how Ferrari is perceiving it.
Yes. They did some. Absolutely obnoxious, totally just horrendous. I mean, this thing looks horrible to the car. So kudos to Friar say, no, you can’t do that. You can’t have our emblems on there. You can’t have any Ferrari branding on that car. And you cannot say anything saying that it is a Ferrari because that is not the Ferrari that left our factory.
So you cannot say that. So that’s kind of the big thing is like, look, if you’re going to do it, you just, you cannot put it out there that this is a Ferrari, or this is my Ferrari. blah, blah, blah. Bieber model. There you go. I said his name, you know, that kind of scenario. So they keep track of that pretty tight.
Again, it’s gonna be interesting to see how far they’re going to go with it. Cause I’ve been on the side that once I buy something, it’s mine. I can do whatever the F I want with it. You can’t tell me. As a matter of fact, that’s what commerce is. You make something, you sell it, it’s mine. I [00:10:00] own it. You don’t own it anymore.
You have no say in this situation. It’s interesting, this day and age, I don’t know, the lawyers are very good, how things are interpreted from, you know, one country to the next, I don’t know, but I think it’s rude. Plain and simple. I just think it’s wrong. You should be able to do what you want with your car after you buy it and you can’t have the manufacturer coming in dictating to you after the fact that oh you can’t do this you can’t do that it’s like hey I just spent half a million dollars on this car from you even after the fact you know it was a 10 year old car I bought it used for 200 grand and you’re trying to tell me after the fact that I can’t bolt this on I can’t do that I mean and everyone knows what brand it is everyone can 200 Plainly see what it is, unless you’re doing something crazy, you know, doing a complete new body shell or front clip, rear clip, quarter, rear quarter, you’re doing something totally outlandish with this car turned into a four by four or something, you know, jacking up an F40, making it off road, buy it, you know, that kind of stuff.
People will know exactly what that [00:11:00] car is and what brand it is and how it started life out. I don’t see what their point is in trying to come after that fact and doing it. Plus the fact that if you’re going after someone that’s like a YouTuber, Instagram, whatever, TikToker, they’re just going to take that and that’s just fodder for their followers and what they can put out there.
It’s almost like they want to get that cease and desist because you want to talk about content that’s good for four or five episodes and talk about stuff in the future because you can always go back and reference it and drop it in their own. If you haven’t seen that, go back and watch this video, you know, that kind of stuff.
So it’s almost like they’re daring. Ferrari to send them the cease and desist because they want it and again like these one gentlemen that are doing that Supposed as they like to say the only one in the world They mention it quite often in their videos when they’re talking about this car that you know Oh, we haven’t got it yet.
Why not and they even use the tease that they’ve gotten a cease and desist supposedly But then it’s something completely different you know that clickbait shit doing the bait and switch stuff on you to get you to watch the video and [00:12:00] Oh, we got to watch all the way to the end. It’s a 40 minute video.
Yeah, well you know what you can do? You just fast forward the video. You don’t have to sit there and watch the whole damn thing. Because it’s basically always the same stuff. There’s really nothing ever new in it. You know, you got to wonder about the life of these. Because, you know, look at it as, you know, a show.
A sitcom. On, well, I guess it used to be on regular TV, but now wherever. It’s got a life to it. Because it runs its course, because you only can repackage and regurgitate something so many times, so many different ways, then you’re done. So, unless you get real creative. And again, that’s when these YouTubers, they start going nuts and start doing stupid crap.
They totally deviate away from what they actually Started the channel out at as an automotive channel look at some of these really big ones I got a lot of followers look at whistling diesel how you start out. Okay, so what are you doing now? What was his latest one someone gave him? I think it was more advertisement for his lawyer or whatever it was But you know they took this guy’s Rolls Royce and beat the shit out of it in LA then Vegas And that’s all I did was just go out and destroy the car just driving like an asshole I just started watching Cletus McFarlane.
I never really got [00:13:00] into what he was doing, but after his little NASCAR stuff, running the ARCA race, stuff like that, I started watching it, and you know, he’s not a bad dude. Guy’s super smart. I’ll give him that. I mean, super intelligent guy. He knows what he’s doing, but kind of getting away from his Freedom Factory and race stuff like that, because from my understanding, because he was just on Dale Jr.
‘s Dirty Mo Media’s podcast, and Job the Bomb, that their thing is to build the shortest, Smallest aircraft boat carrier. I guess you could say that’s only gonna be three pontoon boats long So it’s like 60 or 70 feet because I guess you know, he’s a really good pilot Garrett Mitchell is his real name So I guess Garrett’s a super talented pilot and he does stall competitions And though you know stall competition is take these single engine prop planes Cessnas Whatever and you’re able to take off in like 50 60 feet and land them short and all this kind of crazy stuff It’s very I would say But it’s really cool stuff.
I mean, it takes a lot of talent to do it, you know, because it’s one thing to kind of fiddle around on the ground with a car and stuff like that, you stall whatnot, but when you’re up in the air in a plane, you’re 500 feet in the [00:14:00] air, even a hundred feet in the air, you know, some screws up, you’re falling a hundred feet flat straight to the ground.
Yeah. You’re dead. So again, now you’re talking, he’s deviating away from what he originally doing the freedom factory, doing the races, doing that kind of stuff. Cause he’s got to get the audience. Okay. I just sidetracked way off of what I’m supposed to be talking about again, and Ferrari and branding and image and stuff like that.
So it goes back to his. You know, my argument is how can the manufacturer instead, not just Ferrari, how can they come back at you for something, especially if you’re like the fourth, fifth, sixth owner of that said car. Cause let’s face it, people do not keep these cars for five, six, seven, 10 years. They keep them for a year, six months, get their use out of it, get their peacocking done to go out and look at me, puff out their chest.
Oh yeah, I’m so cool. I got to show all their friends off. Then they turn around and they sell it. A, you know, they stretched themselves too thin or B, they got bored of it or who knows. You look at Carfax or history on these cars, a good majority of them have had multiple [00:15:00] owners in their short lives. Now, okay, if you got a 10 year old car, three owners, okay, that’s not bad.
But when you have a five year old car and it’s gotten six owners, what’s that telling you? You know, and you look at this, it’s going to tell you mileage, everything like that on it too. But how can you go after someone who’s like, I’m the fifth person to own this car. So it’s traded hands four times prior, but you’re still coming at me saying, I can’t do this with my can’t do what I want to the car.
I don’t understand it. And again, that’s, you know, how the law works and everything like that. And I think it boils down to basically is deep pockets. You know, let’s face it, who’s really going to go back and try and battle Ferrari in the open court system because they got nothing but time and money. Now, okay, if you’re a billionaire or whatnot, you’re the same position.
You got nothing but time or money, but is it really worth it to drop millions and millions of dollars to try and prove your point? Now, ego gets in the way for some of these people. I can see him doing it, but you don’t hear about people battling this. Now you do hear some people battling in regards to like that one.
It was just with these Jaguar [00:16:00] D types. They were building the replicas of, you know, they start out, they built one for themselves. And again, then it blows up because someone sees it. Hey, can you build me one? Dah, dah, dah. And you know, actually built in like 60, 70 of them. All of a sudden Jaguar comes after him saying, you know, it’s copyright infringement, blah, blah, blah, all this stuff.
They lost at first, but then they came back around and appealed and all that. And so they ended up winning. So then final cost, all this crap, he added up, but you know, Jaguar had to. Pay everything because these people won so it’s kind of again, where’s that line get drawn and what legal right and recourse does a manufacturer have to go after someone because let’s face it, you have these multi billion dollar corporations going after a little mom and pop to do it.
You know, 500, 000 a year. I mean, They know that they’re just going to basically intimidate them and freak them out and scare them enough away that they’re just going, okay, we’ll stop. We’ll stop. All right. Yeah. Hands up. Okay. I got it. We’ll get rid of everything. But to those people with the Jags, I mean, that was a huge financial.
Basically, bury [00:17:00] them beyond broke in the poor house. They would have basically ended up in the end losing completely. But I think these manufacturers, they don’t give a shit. They’re like, you know, they’ll go in and just look who we are, flex their muscles and say, Raaah, we’re gonna scare you! RUN! That kind of scenario.
Being a bully. Instead of embracing it, now they said, you have those smaller manufacturers. They embrace it. No, do that because it’s your own car. See what we can do because think about it. When a car is designed and built, you’re getting the vision of who’s ever employed by that builder, manufacturer, that group, those people, that person, whatever, the outside entity, yada, yada.
You see it all the time, but someone’s looking at a car and say, well, I would have done this. Well, I might’ve tweaked this. I might’ve taken this line this way. You know, everyone’s going to view something differently. The manufacturer’s trying to make a, build a car that I want to say appeals to a large audience instead of just like.
F you, I don’t care. This is what I like. And if you don’t like it, then don’t buy it. Well, no, they got to sell vehicles. They’re going to stay in business. So again, it’s going to see [00:18:00] how this plays out because if they can get away with it and bullying people and making it stop, everyone else is going to fall right in line.
Look at what has been happening in regards to a lot of these manufacturers coming out with these halo cars and basically making these owners sign. Documents stating that you cannot sell this for two years or their legal action will be taken against you. Now, Ford did this and they lost against John Cena against his Ford GT, the new one.
You know, he bought it and within two months turned around and sold it. He only made half a million dollars on it, but Ford went after him, but Cena won. So what does that kind of tell you? What does that say? It’s only worth what it’s written on. That’s the value of it because, you know, lawyer, you know, it doesn’t matter.
Contracts, what not. Contract may be broken. If you got a good enough lawyer, they can work your way around it and get you out of, you know, everything. Again, it all boils down to money. That’s why it’s unfortunate you get some of these people that are innocent that end up going to jail because they can’t afford proper representation and they get screwed and [00:19:00] then they’re in jail and it takes 30 years.
for them to finally get acquitted and then, you know, then they don’t get any money or it gets capped. I mean, that kind of stupid shit. But anyway, back to the point is again, my, uh, ADD, OCD, whatever, all that stuff makes me go on these sidetracks. My brain works out that way. And I know some of you understand that, but anyways, back to my final point here, to what point does a manufacturer have the right?
To dictate to someone. Now I agree when someone comes in, they’re building a brand new car and order it from the factory, Ferrari and whoever else can say, no, we’re not going to do that. No, no, no, no. That’s no, we’re not going to put that color combination. No, we’re no, we can’t do that. No, no, no, no. That’s fine, because, hey, they’re building what, their control, because they still own that car.
The sale has, the transaction has not been completed. After the fact, I buy it, I own it. And especially if I’m like the fourth, fifth, sixth owner of said car, how can you come at me and tell me what I can and can’t do with my car? Good taste, bad taste, whatever. If I’m going to put pink ponies all over [00:20:00] it, polka dot, whatever.
I, that’s my car. I can do whatever the F I want with it. Like I said, it’s going to be interesting to see how far they take this. And you know, Ferrari is very uppity and you know, they got their nose up in the air so I could see them pushing this real far. I mean, they got very deep pockets and yes, they have their own entity in the public trade, but you know, they got fiat money behind them.
So, I mean. Trust me, it’s a battle that I don’t think you want to get into because it’s a battle you, I don’t know. Again, it just boils down to how good your lawyers are. That’s what it is. So, but anyways, that’s my viewpoint on it. Be curious to see what you guys think. Shoot me an email, links in the thing, william at defraud marketplace.
com. Let me know your thoughts. I’d like to get some other people here on the show. Let’s chit chat. Let’s talk about some topics about Ferrari. I’d like to get other opinions. Let’s talk about old stuff, new stuff, whatever. Reach out to me. Let’s get you on the show and uh, let’s have some conversations. So again, check out the website, exoticcarmarketplace.
com. Go to theferrarymarketplace. com. It’s our family of websites. We got everything on there. Check out motoringpodcast. net, our family of podcasts as well. So we are out there doing it to it. [00:21:00] Stay tuned. New episode coming next week. Don’t know the topic yet, but stay tuned because it’ll be a fun one.
Thanks guys. Keep the wheels on the ground, right side up. Thanks.
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Copyright William Ross, Exotic Car Marketplace a division of Sixty5 Motorsports. This episode is part of Gran Touring Motorsports, Motoring Podcast Network and has been republished with permission.