In this episode, William shares his recent travels to California and Amelia Island, where he attended the Concourse d’Elegance. William recounts his solo road trip experience, logistical challenges, and the events he found interesting at Amelia, such as the Gooding auction, Ferrari displays, and Jim Glickenhaus’s new project. He also discusses the major highlights and activity at the auction, detailing some noteworthy cars like the 91′ F40 and a Testarossa Recreation. Additionally, he provides insights into attending events like Radwood and the Concours d’LeMons. Finally, William hints at focusing future episodes on the history of specific cars and personalities, starting with Luigi Chinetti and NART.

Episode 7

On Ferrari Friday’s, William Ross from the Exotic Car Marketplace will be discussing all things Ferrari and interviewing people that live and breath the Ferrari brand. Topics range from road cars to racing; drivers to owners, as well as auctions, private sales and trends in the collector market.


  • 00:00 Introduction to Ferrari Fridays
  • 00:32 William’s Recent Travels
  • 01:10 Drive to Survive Discussion
  • 02:21 Journey to Amelia Island
  • 05:12 Gooding Auction Highlights
  • 12:06 Hotel Woes and Event Rundown
  • 13:44 Saturday Events: Radwood and Concours de Lemons
  • 23:37 Sunday at Amelia Island
  • 27:41 Ferrari Parade and Highlights
  • 32:30 Conclusion and Future Episodes


And welcome back everyone to the Ferrari marketplace. This is William. I hope everybody is doing well. Um, this took a little bit getting this, uh, next episode out. Uh, I’ve been traveling quite a bit. The past couple of weekends, uh, was out in California, as you know. And then this past weekend, I was down at Amelia Island for the Concourse d’Elegance down there.

The one that Hagerty just took over and they renamed it. I just shortened up the name, I guess. So, but, um, kind of want to jump in this stuff, but first and foremost, I kind of want to say, you know, this is a Friday that I’m dropping [00:01:00] this and this is what March 11th, I believe today’s date is, um, and season four drive to survive.

And I got snookered into watching the first few episodes and started getting the binge saying I had to peel myself away because I needed to get this up and put it out there. And so, but I don’t know if any of you out there have been watching this season. Drive to survive the past three seasons or what?

But I mean, I really, I enjoyed it. I mean, I like it. Um, I think they did a heck of a job yet, you know, building up, um, creating the drama, whatever you got, how they want to do, but it’s television, that’s what they got to do. But, you know, I really like it because it gives you more of a sense, kind of gives you, you know, more of a behind the scenes look, you know, and anyone that’s, is an F one fan, you know, knows that how formula one is very standoffish and closed off and, you Getting to see what goes on behind the scenes is about impossible unless you, you know, are [00:02:00] very, very rich or you work for one of the teams.

So it’s, it’s always really cool to see, but I said, I just watched the first few episodes and you know, it’s just as good as it’s been in the past. So, um, I’ve only gotten through three episodes, so, uh, there’s more to come and I had to peel myself away, like I said, so I could, uh, get this, this episode up and going.

So anyways. Back to the main agenda and talking about Amelia Island. Um, so what I did is, uh, I was, I was on the fence about going down because I had just gotten back from California that Monday night and I thought I’d talk my, uh, Father to come down with me and each time I talked to him, I could tell that he didn’t want to go.

So I finally just let him off the hook and say, look, I can tell you don’t want to go. Don’t worry about it. So I ended up just, you know, jumping in the car myself Thursday and just driving down. It’s not that bad of a drive. You know, it’s only like 12 hours. So it’s no big deal. I like driving. So, you know, it’s not bad.

Especially, you know, you driving the right car helps also too. And, [00:03:00] you know, it’s going through the mountains to West Virginia. Virginia is a lot of fun and, you know, a lot of twists and turns and what have you and You know, getting out past that once you get into, you know, um, the Carolinas and Georgia and that, you know, it’s pretty nice straight shots and, um, you know, nice just.

Wide open stints, you know, you get humming along it at a nice fast pace and it goes quick. But the thing that drives me nuts is these yahoos that park out in the left lane and then they don’t either don’t look in their mirrors or just absolutely clueless or they’re just that bad of drivers. So I don’t know.

And it just really, really. It bugs the shit out of me that these people, I mean, and they’re the ones that kind of get traffic backed up because they sit out there, you know, and they take their sweet ass time, like trying to pass someone and you know, you got like five cars behind you and you’re sitting there on them trying to get them, you know, it’s just, it’s a pain in the ass and I’m sure a lot of you probably have dealt with it and you know, I just don’t get it.

You know, they, they should make it a national law. That, [00:04:00] you know, I know some states have, like Ohio has it, and a lot of states, oh, hey, you know, left lane’s passing only, but people ignore the heck out of that. And what they need to do is make it a law, and I think Germany is the one that has a fantastic law regarding this.

One, semis cannot even go in the left lane, so depending if there’s only two lanes, they gotta stay in the right lane, they can’t even go over there. And you have to get back over to the right lane. You cannot just sit out there in that left lane. Because like, as soon as you pass someone, you get right back over.

And, you know, that’s what needs to happen here. I mean, because this is just getting ridiculous with people. And this is what causes road rage. And, you know, I just don’t get it. But anyways, back to Amelia. So anyways, I got down there, um, well I left on Thursday. And I drove down, I, I got down, I didn’t leave till a little bit in the morning.

It’s like about 9 15 or so, nine ish. And I drove down to about 8 PM or so I got down to about Savannah, Georgia, which only put me like a couple hours outside of where Amelia is, Amelia, not all that familiar [00:05:00] is basically kind of just Northeast of Jacksonville, Florida. Um, so I, I got to Savannah cause I, I was beat and it’s like, Hey, I can just get up in the morning cause nothing really started till about 10 o’clock.

Anyways, the next day. So I parked myself in Savannah for the evening got up early in the morning and made my way to the Gooding auction So that was my first event. I wanted to hit that was going on on that Friday And they have their own separate facility over at the Omni Club and real nice setup, you know, lots of tents everything’s available and I will say this if you ever go down to Amelia the parking is the biggest pain in the ass and you know, sometimes you can luck out if you’re doing, you can park out on the road, you know, on the side of the street and that, you know, they’re pretty flexible about that.

But there are tons of signs everywhere about telling you where you can and can’t park. Um, but no, especially going for Saturday and Sunday, the concourse itself at the Ritz, you know, you could either have to get there at 56 a. m. Park somewhere [00:06:00] relatively close and walk or you’re gonna be spending 20 30 40 dollars for parking It is what it is, you know, so so be it But anyways, so I got to gooding and I got myself actually a decent spot, which I was actually surprised But so I got in and I started going around I shot some videos.

So if you want you’ll check out the Um, the uh, YouTube channel and you know, the Ferrari marketplace or motorsports. And I got a lot of stuff that’s posted up there, but check out the Ferrari marketplace site. I got, you know, tons of video up. It’s a multiple videos, I guess you would say. Um, cause you know, goody was the one that actually had, I guess the, uh, I guess the most Ferraris added available for the auction.

And you know, they had a great. It’s, you know, set up regards to in the tents going around and then you actually had the auction room itself, the auction tent itself, which was rather large and it was packed. Now, I don’t know if this is just because it’s pent up, you know, people finally getting out and be able to kind of start going to places and whatnot because of COVID it’s getting a little more, you know, things are [00:07:00] getting a little more relaxed or what, but I can tell you what, it was packed to the wall, the wall.

I mean, it was, there was a lot of people, a lot of activity, a lot of, a lot of people raising their hands. Um, you know, some stuff going below estimates, some going above estimates, some right in the middle. You know, it just kind of depends. Um, like I said, you know, Gooding had probably the biggest selection of Ferraris there, uh, that they were auctioning off.

And they had a, now the one they had that was kind of interesting was a, was a Testarossa Recreation. And it went right just above its high estimate, went for, I think it was just a smidge over the, you know, half a million dollar mark. But I tell you what, it was a really, really nice job on the street creation that someone did.

And, you know, this is a car that, hey, you can drive on the street and not have to worry about telling me it’s still a half a million dollar car. But, you know, it’s, you’re not so much worried about driving a 10, 15, 20 million dollar Testarossa out on the road. Whereas you got this thing where it’s got a Ferrari engine chassis I think [00:08:00] they took off a 330 chassis and you know made the body did everything with it Then you’ll put the you know motor in it.

So I mean, it’s a Ferrari just a it’s a rebodied car on it You know 330 chassis So but it’s when you go out there and drive and have some fun with and enjoy it not really be paranoid About someone getting too close to you on the street or anything like that now at Gooding They’re the top Ferrari that they had go off was an f40 91 f40 And it sold for just over, just, just a smidge under, I should say, uh, two and a half million.

Uh, the estimate, it fell, you know, it was on the lower end of the estimate, the estimate was 2. 4 to 2. 8. Um, so that thing was really nice. It was super clean. It had a decent mileage on it. Uh, well maintained document history and stuff like that. So that was nice. And the next they had was a, uh, 67 330 GTS.

Now that one again, low end of the estimate, just a smidge over, just a hair under 2. 1 million. Uh, estimates were 2 to 2. 4. So again, low [00:09:00] end of the estimate. And the last one that they had go through was a 275. If you check out the videos on the channel, you’ll see I have posted pictures on this place, you know on this car, too Now this 275 now you probably go.

Wow, that’s you know went for a decent price. Well, this thing needed a ton of work The sills everything were rotted. I mean I couldn’t see the floors, but you looked inside and the passenger foot Well, it was just all wires. I mean this thing needed a lot of love It had been sitting for a long long time in someone’s garage barn, whatever But You’re probably looking but close to probably between 800 to a million dollars to get this thing up to snuff You know, so it was someone took it on and someone’s gonna do it.

So again, it’s kind of one of those ones Okay, you stand there looking at it. You’re like, okay Hey, I could just you know get to get it running good But not and just drive it with the patina and not to worry about it. Well It’s gonna take a lot more than that to get this thing up and going on the [00:10:00] road.

So, um, kudos to whoever purchased it and was gonna get this thing up on the road and get this thing going. So, um, good for them. ’cause, you know, you like to, don’t like to see these things just kind of rotten, go into the ground. So, but, um, you know, the rest of the auction was really, really good time. I mean, a lot of activity going on.

And, uh, they had sold, uh, you know, a, uh, a Talbot Lago. That went for, uh, after all said and done just a smidge under 13 and a half million dollars. So that was kind of interesting to watch that and it’s always fun watching the auctioneers, you know, try and I guess push things out, you know, kind of get more money because they’re obviously they’re trying to get the most for the seller, but you know, the more they get for the seller, the more they put in their pocket.

So, you know, it’s a win win for everybody all around except maybe the buyer who’s got to spend more money on it. So, but this car was absolutely gorgeous. It was the main focal point. Uh, when you went in the one tent, first tent, as soon as you walked in, you know, got your ticket and went through, they had it up on a pedestal, you know, roped off, everything like that.

So, I mean, you can still get up close to it and [00:11:00] look inside it, take photos and everything like that. But this thing was absolutely gorgeous. And, you know, it worked probably every bit of the 13 and a half million. So kudos, congrats to the new buyer on that. Um, so anyways, that, you know, you know, hanging out there, I mean, they didn’t have like hundreds and hundreds of cars.

So the event didn’t last all that long. So, I mean, I got out of there, I think it was like around 2, 2. 30, and I think they still had a few cars to go, but I kind of wanted to beat traffic, and there really wasn’t much else to do after that. Um, you know, they kind of stressed me out. Now, Sotheby’s had their thing going on, and Bonhams also.

I didn’t go to either of those auctions, because I just, I didn’t want to do it, because I know both those, they really didn’t have anything that was of interest to me that was going across the block. But, the other fact is, Tuesday was a relatively smaller sized auction, so. It just wasn’t, wasn’t intriguing enough for me to take my time and go over there.

So now, so after it’s over, I just, you know, got stuff. Cause [00:12:00] I was still kind of beat from doing all the driving the past couple of days. So I went, you know, got to my hotel, went and checked in and went up to the store and got a thing. But I wanted to say this, the hotel I stayed at was absolute crap. Um, you know, I was shopping around trying to find a hotel last minute and this one was, you know, It was only like 70 bucks a night.

It was cheap and you get what you pay for. Right. You know, so, but kind of pissed me off was, you know, when I did, I was like, okay, I’m gonna stay, you know, Friday, Saturday and Sunday night and I’ll leave Monday morning cause I, you know, I wasn’t thinking, but then after, you know, what was going on and being at the events on Friday, I realized, well, shit, I’m going to be out of here.

Probably one, two o’clock on Sunday. I’m not going to just go and hang out, you know, and wait till Monday morning, leave. I’ll just get on the road and start driving halfway. Sunday night or Sunday and get halfway that way I’m not doing so much driving and you know I did it through hotels. com and sure enough, you know, and I knew that way I’m just talking these morons at the front desk, you know, they had clueless I mean when you’re at a place, it’s only [00:13:00] 60 70 dollars a night.

You’re gonna get the kind of people that work there they’re just absolutely clueless and They were absolutely no help. I was like, look, I’m not trying to, I just want to cancel the one night. I don’t need it. And I knew that they weren’t going to go for that because they want to scrape every nickel out.

And sure enough, they didn’t. Uh, you know, I went to hotels. com, you know, and going back forth, phone calls, whatnot, and trying to explain it. I get an email and say, well, you know, they’re, since you’re still there, they’re not going to cancel it. I’m not canceling it. I just need to get rid of the, you know, cancel the one for last night.

Cause I’m not going to be here. Oh, apologize for the, the confusion, blah, blah, blah. You know? And cause I knew they weren’t gonna do nothing. So anyways, I had to eat it, but anyways, what can you do? But the place was just absolute shithole and. If it comes up I’m not gonna name the name because I’m not gonna all sudden somebody get this and I get a lawsuit or something for Defamation or some kind of crap like that, but let’s just say it’s an it was just an absolute shithole But anyways, so I just hung out and then Saturday morning I got up early got [00:14:00] myself moving because they had going on at the Ritz itself where the concourse is On saturday they had the radwood and the concourse de lemons Um, i’m not sure how many of you out there familiar with this, you know the concourse de lemons and the radwood Now the concourse of lemons, you know They’ve actually been around for a few years now and which started out as a joke out in pebble beach And kind of just as the anti establishment type situation So these guys set it up and got these going but it took off.

I mean it was a huge hit You know, I don’t know if you’ve ever been to one but they’re just absolutely a blast to jetty, walk through and see, um, you know, it’s people, you know, they’re not taking themselves seriously. They’re just having fun. And this Radwood is something that’s relatively, uh, new to the scene in regards to what they do.

It’s kind of, I don’t say not take off the concourse of lemons, but what this is, Radwood was like their eighties and nineties cars. Um, so cars to me that I grew up, you know, in high school and college, you know, having and lusting after, um, but it wasn’t like, you know, [00:15:00] have Ferrari stuff like that. You know, it’s going to be your, your Mustangs, your Camaros, stuff like that.

Um, you know, stuff that you could actually maybe obtain in high school and drive around. So I don’t know about you, but, uh, I had a Fiero GT in high school. Um, that thing was a blast. And then I, once I graduated, I had actually a Mustang GT, um, an 85. That thing was awesome. But anyways. Those events were a lot of fun.

They had other things going on around there with it. Um, you know, it wasn’t just those events there. Porsche had a nice set up, um, and then there was a kind of a set up going on because they had the lake set up. Now if you, you know, look at some of the photos and videos and what not of how this thing was done.

You know, they had other cars set up. The guys from Curated had a nice set up with uh, some Lamborghinis and that, um, and an F40. And which he had actually at Cavalino and I thought that thing might have been sold because it was Nigel Mansell’s old F40. I believe it was curated, the way it was presented, I believe it was from curated, but I could be wrong, [00:16:00] so don’t quote me on it.

But the one cool thing that was there was Jim Glickenhaus. I don’t know how familiar you are with, you know, IMSA, you know, Le Mans, that kind of stuff and Sebring. But, you know, Jim Glickenhaus is a huge motorsports fan and a big Ferrari person. But, um, he’s signed to take on big, whatever you want to call them, Toyota, all those guys at Lamar and build his own car.

Now he had built some cars in the past where he actually took, you know, Ferrari chassis. The one was beautiful. He took the Enzo chassis and built that P3 P4. Um, thing was stunning race. It did it at Nuremberg, at Nuremberg ring, 24 hours, you know, did really well, um, for like a small, just, I want to say homegrown team, but you know, they did rather well.

So, but you know, last year, just because of COVID that kind of had some, I would not say setbacks, but you know, it just kind of slowed the. The, uh, build up the, um, what’s the word I’m looking [00:17:00] for the development of the car, uh, and for them at Lamar, Lamar, they, they went, you know, they were respectable, but you know, they got the balance of competition, uh, that they got to do or balance of performance, I should say.

So this year is going to be interesting. I know they were headed down to Sebring and they’re only going to have one car there, but then at Lamar, they’re going to have two cars, but now I saw it interesting enough that they had posted that they actually have. I don’t know if it’s the second car that something fell through or what but they were advertising as hey You want to come in and you know be part of this and for Lamar some crap like that So I don’t know something happened or what what fell through but anyways, you know Jim Glickenhaus himself was there at the event.

He’s actually there both days Saturday and Sunday and super nice guy So I talked to him for I don’t know a good half hour just kind of going over the car, you know They had there was there about two weeks away From being, uh, the homologation for it to be able to, you know, get these things road certified so they could actually start delivering cars.

[00:18:00] Um, their plan is, I think he said it was to do about 30 cars this year, 25 to 30 cars. And the next year, like do 100 to 150 cars. Um, and maybe like kind of cap it at that. Um, and a couple of different styles of it was really cool. You know, and you have variations. You could get a manual in it if you wanted.

Um, you know, shift your own gears, or if you want to get to the, you know, the paddle floppy paddle box, you could get that also. But what was kind of interesting is the interior on the car he had there was leopard print. Um, that’s something I would choose, but it did really, really stand out. That’s for sure.

Um, but I highly, you know, recommend you go check out Glickenhaus’s, uh, website, uh, Scooteria Cameron Glickenhaus or Glickenhaus Cameron, something like that. Um, I forget how he actually has it worded, but look up Scooteria Glickenhaus. And look up his, uh, the team and stuff like that. And, you know, they got a cool, you know, they do a lot of updates on Facebook and that.

And they’re getting ready, obviously, they’re going down to Sebring because that’s the next weekend. So they’re getting ready for the Sebring 12 hours. [00:19:00] And that’ll be a good touch for that car because that thing just beats the heck out of cars. That is not the smoothest of tracks. I don’t know if any of you guys have been down there, but I’ve actually raced on that track.

And let me tell you, that thing is not smooth at all. It is super, super rough and they don’t do a damn thing about it to try and smooth it out or make it any nicer for the drivers. You just bounce around like crazy. It just beats the heck out of you. But anyways, so kind of going around then, um, you know, they had, you know, a few other things in there now.

This being the 75th anniversary of Ferrari, they didn’t have anything on Saturday per se. They had, you know, a few Ferraris there and what not. Um, but really nothing crazy. And, you know, kind of wandering around. They had some, you know, other decent stuff. The one thing I was kind of surprised was, I thought they’d have more vendors there.

They’d have like more, you know, booths, uh, people selling things. Now, they had a few. Um, but, I don’t know if it seems to be because it’s like, you know, they’ve been to quite a few of these things. And, it seems to be there’s always, A lot of artists selling [00:20:00] paintings, you know, uh, car paintings, what have you there and not cheaply.

Um, the one person’s, uh, booth I went into seven grand, 13 grand, 15 grand for some of these things. And no, you’re not talking some big, huge mural, you know, mural, mural, uh, get that out. Um, you know, it’s just a standard size, you know, poster size, what you would call it, you know, I mean, yeah, they’re gorgeous and looking at it, but I don’t know.

I mean, I guess it’s all in the beholder and what someone values something at, but I mean. I’m not in the position that I can just go and spend, you know, seven, eight, 10 grand on, you know, something like that. I’m just gonna hang on the wall and I don’t have that kind of money anyways. Uh, but obviously a lot of people do.

So that’s one thing you do notice when you go these things, there is lots of people with lots of money there. But, um, anyway, it’s kind of wrapping up, you know, Saturday, like I said, Saturday was great. It was cool. I said it was packed. And when I was pulling in again, I had to pay. Forty dollars for parking because my bad back I can’t really park too far away because I can’t only I only can do so much Walking [00:21:00] so it’s like I just gotta bite the bullet and I just pay for the parking Which is nice because then they had a golf cart to you from that that section which was you were close Because I was paying for it hours.

You were relatively close to the event So but they still had a golf cart that would take you over to the field or anything was and you go in and they were pretty Diligent in regards to checking all your bags and whatnot and pulling stuff out. Um, you know, I had a camera, you know, and a couple of camera sticks, that kind of stuff.

I had to pull all this junk out of this bag. It was just a pain. I mean, I get it, but it was a bit overkill to me if you ask. Um, so anyways, So wrapping up on, you know, when you went up to around the hotel’s entrance itself, the circular drive, you know, they had McLaren had a really cool setup up there. The one thing was neat and you had a sign for it and it got booked up pretty quick.

There was Porsche had where you could do test drives. And. I’m not quite sure where the route was. Cause I didn’t get to [00:22:00] go on it cause it was booked up. Um, but you actually got, and I don’t think someone was in the car with you from Porsche, I think they, Hey, they took the car and they had the Macan. Uh, they had a Tican, uh, no nine 11s.

I don’t believe. Um, and I think a Cayenne, I think it was there too. So I’m not quite sure they got it, but Hagerty also had. The same thing. So now I really didn’t go and inquire about this one either, but they had classic cars where you could take them for a drive again. I don’t know if he had to pay for the Hagerty one.

I know the Porsche one was free. Just had to sign up. Uh, the Hagerty one. I would assume you probably had to pay, but they had an old Bronco. Uh, they had a do che vo, do che vo, you know, Citroen. Um, you know what I’m talking about? One of those weird things. Um, so I didn’t really kind of delve into how much cost wise and whatnot would been to test out one of those, but I seen them driving around and you can see, cause they had the big stickers on them, everything like that.

So that was kind of cool. You know, so if you want to take a thing and again, I don’t know how big. Or how long you go for a drive on [00:23:00] this thing. And other thing was, is traffic was horrendous. So not really quite sure where you’re going to go very far, especially those old cars, I would imagine those things kind of get hot pretty damn quick.

Uh, you’d be watching that temperature gauge. But anyways, so I got done pretty early on Saturday too. Again, I would wrap things up around like two o’clock and get, get everything out of there, put it, present the words. And you know, I’m not an awards person. Hey, what’d you do good for you for winning? So I left and I went to the beach and I mean, it wasn’t like it was in the eighties or anything like that.

It was only in the low seventies, but Hey, he’s still, the sun was out. What not? It was nice. But anyways. So, Sunday rolled around, so knowing what was going on since I kind of got a late start Saturday and saw how bad traffic was and how long it took, I got an early start on Sunday and got there pretty easily.

Nice and breezy, you know, got in the road with hardly any traffic by the time I got there, because I got there basically first thing. The event didn’t, they didn’t start letting you in until 9. 30, so I got there like around quarter to nine. [00:24:00] Um, and there were already a lot of people there, and, which is not surprising.

But, you know, we had to wait in line to get in there. Again, I think they could be a little better in regards to how they get people into the, into the field, into the event itself. Um, they had like a main entrance where they have most things, but they had the side one where a lot of people go and they only had two people scanning and this day and age, people are going ticketless.

So these scanners trying to read your QR code that’s on your phone is a little difficult. Anyways, so you go through and you get in and out. I said, I went into the one side now, depending on which one you went into, where it would dump you out at. So I came in the backside to where the big showcase is where the cars drive up, everything like that.

So as soon as they came in, walk around. They had all your brass era, uh, pre war stuff. And I cannot remember for the life of me, cause the guy I first talked to had this gorgeous Packard and he’s been on Wayne Carini’s, uh, chasing classic cars, his buddy, but you know, he’s got all the [00:25:00] Packards. And so I, I talked to him for a little bit about it and I could not remember his, um, the life of me, his name.

And it was, and it’s still driving me nuts. And I’m going to try and look it up. Right now, real quick and see if I can pull it up and yeah, Ralph Ralph is his name. That’s it. Anyways, um, he has beautiful package and that was the only one he had there is showing. And, but you know, soon as everyone’s come in.

So it wasn’t crowded yet. So, um, so I chapped him a little bit about it, but this thing was beautiful. Again, I got pictures posted, you know, Instagram, um, got video over there and whatnot. So, uh, check it out, but you know, you go through all the pre war stuff and. These cars are absolutely stunning. I mean, just, but what also gets me is the size of these cars.

I mean, these are not small vehicles. I mean, you know, cars this day and age, but God, the cars back then were just massive. And [00:26:00] now you could see why they didn’t, you know, horsepower wise. It wasn’t so much, but they had a lot of torque because these things, you know, getting these behemoths up and going, but I mean, these things were massive.

I mean, just these things made statements going down the road. That’s for sure. Um, Gomez, that’s what they had really cool is I had seen them the day before. And I don’t know if they do with the concourse drive or the tour or something like that, that they have. Um, they had Davis, Divins, Divins, however you pronounce that.

Um, I know they only made like 14 of them and they had like five of them there. They actually had a prototype Army Jeep one, uh, that they must’ve submitted for, uh, consideration to the U. S. government. Uh, now if you’re not familiar with those, look them up. It’s a Davis Divan, D I V A N, uh, it’s a three wheeled car, um, it’s been on Wayne Carini’s show.

They’ve had it, you know, here and there. It’s really kind of very streamlined looking. Uh, really cool looking and, but to see that many in one spot, it’s kind of crazy because they only made the 14 of them. And I’m not sure all [00:27:00] 14 are like in this kind of presented, you know, kind of course level type condition where you could show them.

I mean, these things don’t get me wrong. These things weren’t gonna, you know, win best of show at this thing, but you know, they were pretty decent shape. Um, so, but that was kind of cool checking those out and. Then there was, you know, uh, BMW had brought some cars too, um, which was kind of interesting. They had some older M sixes and that stuff.

Uh, but they had a big boost up cause they also had, you know, their brand new cars that were kind of launching. So, and I, you know, trying to push the electric stuff. Um, and then going around the guys from curated had, they’re all set up. And you know, that backside was kind of all the same set up and everything too.

But the thing I want to get to is. You know, going around is, but I want to get to the Ferrari stuff. Cause Hey, this is a Ferrari marketplace. Uh, don’t want to bother you and bore you with the other stuff. But anyways, I thought it was kind of humorous because are funny, humorous. I, however you want to pronounce it, but obviously five years [00:28:00] ago when it was the 70th anniversary of Ferrari, they must’ve had something because.

If you’ve ever been to the Amelia, they have signs like for each beginning of each grouping of cars, you know, nice setup. Well, this one said the 70, 70th anniversary. Why they couldn’t update the sign to the 75th, I don’t know. I thought that was a big, huge faux pas on their part. Why they didn’t update that to the 75th is beyond me.

But, no, this wasn’t anything like the Cavalino was. Where they had like one from every year, but um, Brian and Kimberly Ross had brought their 1. 6 mm 1. 66 mm there, which was absolutely stunning. Then there was a 250 Tour de France Then you went up to the 275 Yeah, the 1. 6 mm, the Tour de France, the 250 Tour de France, then the 255 or 275 Then they had a 365, uh, then they had [00:29:00] a 288 GTO, then they had the F40, F50, Enzo.

And then they had a LaFerrari and then they had the new, uh, Monza, SP Monza there. So they had a nice, you know, set up of the cars and they’re stunning. Again, check out the video. I got some shorter ones of just those cars coming up. And what was really cool is they did a Ferrari parade, I guess you would call it, or that’s what they were calling it.

And that’s what kind of neat thing there is, you know, you actually can see these things driving, started up and running. And, you know, they had to come all the way around from the backside over to where they got it because they ran them in front of the grandstands. So I got a great shot, you know, all those four hours lined up running and then getting presented going around driving, you know, they weren’t driving fast.

I mean, they’re driving super slow, like five miles an hour. But anyways, hearing them run. Oh, I’m sorry. And I forgot they had a GTO. Duh. Um, sorry, but mine’s the said the ADD always kicks in. But anyways, um, that also had the GTO was there also, um, in between the. [00:30:00] 250 tour de France and the uh, 275 was the GTO.

My bad. Apologies. But anyways. So I got video of them kind of pulling up and everything like that. And then I came back around because I got those coming up and, you know, cause once they got presented, you know, they had to come all the way back around. So I got back on the other side, got a great shot of the two 88 and the F 40 coming back up and running.

And, you know, they’re just absolutely gorgeous cars. Those are, I have all the Ferraris out there that have been made. I mean, those are probably my two favorites. My first is a two 88 GTO is my all time favorite. And the next was the F 40. I mean, I know it’s probably a lot of people’s, um, Choices and but I that’s what I, you know, grew up, you know, uh, 288 and f40 were, you know, my, you know, poster wall cars.

So it’s always one. So those are my lottery cars So if I win those depending on how much I win in the lotto I’m getting both of those and then if there’s enough that I can obviously get the f50 and the enzo also and just get that whole um, the um, [00:31:00] the holy I don’t want to say Trinity, cause that’s three, but the holy quad, however you want to pronounce it.

But anyways, so they did a nice setup with that and have them there. You know, I thought maybe they do a little bit more just because of facts as a 75th anniversary, but there really wasn’t. But that was kind of, you know, where people float in, that was the kind of the main. So it was pretty crowded around those cars.

Um, now one cool thing is in some other areas they had, uh, the race cars were kind of, they had stuff from Sebring. Um, the Sebring class and, uh, from IMSA and that. So they had some other cars over there. They had a couple of Ferrari race cars. It was pretty cool to see also. So, it was an awesome event. Uh, I really, really had fun attending all the days I was down there.

And I, I recommend it highly if you get the opportunity, go to it, attend it, you know, even if you’re somewhere across the country, you got to do it’s a vacation, what have you. I highly recommend it. I mean, now I will say this, it’s not the cheapest of things to [00:32:00] go to on Sunday for the event itself. Um, if you buy 150 bucks to get in.

Like the other days. Um, you know, like Gooding’s thing was, um, 30 bucks to get in, you know, so you can walk around. Uh, Saturday’s stuff, they had it, it was dirt cheap to get in, I think it was only 10. But, if you buy a ticket for Sunday’s event, that gets you into Saturday’s stuff. So, it’s not like you gotta buy all these tickets.

So, but, I highly, highly recommend attending the event if you’ve never been. It’s well worth the trip. Uh, they do a great job. Now, I know, um, Hager just took it over. So they did a fantastic job, um, and getting this put together I’m sure next year’s will have a few things more streamlined and whatnot So hopefully, you know next year when I attend and then you guys go hey be even that much better So anyways, I’m gonna wrap this up I’m gonna probably start also.

I’ve noticed that it seems to be No one’s really so much Big on the events, I guess you say you’re more interested in the vehicle, specific vehicles itself and maybe more to history. [00:33:00] So subsequently. Future episodes, I’m gonna start focusing more on like getting car specific and going through a history of certain cars.

Um, I think my next episode I’m going to do, it’s going to be on Luigi Cianetti. Uh, we’re going to talk about him, uh, and NART, the whole nine yards and how everything came about and you know, how he became, I would say Enzo’s best buddy, but, uh, he’s basically the one that brought Ferrari to the America. So we’re going to do, uh, the next episode on him and talk about that.

So give me a few days and I will have that one up. So, but again, I appreciate everybody listening. Uh, share it out there, spread the word, check out the YouTube channel, uh, the Ferrari marketplace. Um, I also have the other ones, uh, 65 motorsports. That, um, has a bunch of other stuff on there. It’s, but it’s the word 60, then the number five.

Uh, so if you want to look that up, check it out. I got a bunch of stuff on there also. So, but, um, hit like, and subscribe there on that channel. Uh, trying to build this thing up and spread the word on the podcast. And if you have any suggestions. Um, you have any [00:34:00] thoughts or whatnot, maybe even being on the show, shoot me an email.

William at the Ferrari marketplace. com. Uh, I’d love to get feedback. Um, said I’m still just getting this put together, so it’s still going to be pretty kind of pretty rough. Um, but I’m working on it. Hopefully I’m getting better. So again, though, I really appreciate everybody listening and everyone. Have a great day until next time.

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Copyright William Ross, Exotic Car Marketplace a division of Sixty5 Motorsports. This episode is part of Gran Touring Motorsports, Motoring Podcast Network and has been republished with permission.