Dedicated to using advanced technology and scientific breakthroughs to bring high performance finished lubricant solutions to market that provide a positive impact on the environment.

A Look at Fast Cars (formerly: Tillack & Co)
Somewhere in Redondo Beach, California is Tillack, a shop named for its founder that specializes in keeping vintage special interest cars in tip-top shape.

Velocity Invitational 2022
Photos and Text by GSM contributing Author: Jeff Willis Stepping out of your car in the parking corral, the first sensory input you obtain is sound.

Inside the Air-Cooled Porsche Event That Attracted Enthusiasts From Around the World
Arguably, no other automaker inspires the level of loyalty, devotion and pure zeal from its customer base as that of Porsche.

The Gene Ponder Collection
Gene Ponder is one of those collectors that inspires other collectors. His home shares 20+ acres with about 10 other buildings that include his own personal chapel, an office for his businesses, a restoration shop, and a smattering of garages, each absolutely loaded to the hilt with automobilia and vehicles – lots and lots of vehicles.

ECM founder William Ross, guest #2152 on Cars Yeah!
William Ross is the International Sales Development Director for Feuerbach.