Episode 25
- 00:00 Introduction to Ferrari Fridays
- 00:47 Market Trends and Monterey Car Week Overview
- 02:10 Monterey Car Week Auctions and Insights
- 05:08 Challenges and Realities of Car Ownership
- 08:25 Monterey Car Week Experience
- 12:21 Auction Results and Analysis
- 16:37 Ferrari 550 Maranello Highlights
- 26:27 Ferrari 575 Maranello Insights
- 28:06 Exploring the Value of Factory Manual Cars
- 28:50 Converting to a Six-Speed Manual
- 30:01 Market Analysis of the 575 Maranello
- 32:28 Diving into the 599 Market
- 40:49 High-End Ferrari Auctions
- 42:17 The Iconic 275 and Other Classics
- 43:31 Record-Breaking Sales and Surprises
- 47:14 Final Thoughts and Market Insights
[00:00:00] As part of Ferrari Fridays, William Ross from the Exotic Car Marketplace will be discussing all things Ferrari and interviewing people that live and breathe the Ferrari brand. Topics range from road cars to racing, drivers to owners, as well as auctions, private sales, and trends in the collector market.
And hello everyone, welcome back to the Ferrari Marketplace podcast. It’s been way too long, I apologize for that, but My summer has been absolutely crazy, insane, driving, traveling, just taking care of a lot of stuff, uh, making things happen. So. As you know, the market is going as everyone can possibly, probably see is, you know, we’re in a bit of a dip.
So I have a lot of people that are thinking they’re going to steal some cars, so to [00:01:00] speak, in regards to getting great deals. And there’s some out there, no doubt. Because we’re going to talk today in this episode about Monterey car week and all the auctions that happened that whole week as there is several of them that happened throughout that week.
Uh, if I get a little muffled here and there, I apologize. I have three kittens I’m fostering right now, and one of them insists on sitting right by my face. So, but anyways, that’s what we’re going to get into. But first and foremost, I want to reach out and appreciate the support of the Motoring Podcast Network.
The FerrariPlace. com, GarageTile Magazine, and The Collector Car Guide. So, check those things out, say hello to them, hit up their websites, see what they’ve got going on, especially check out the Motoring Podcast Network, uh, we’ve got a lot of cool stuff on there, podcast wise, covering a lot of bases, so. A lot of cooler stuff coming along.
My man, Eric, uh, has a lot of cool stuff coming up as [00:02:00] well on BrakeFix, but also with the ACO, uh, and stuff like that. So, a lot of cool things happening. So, check those out, give them some support, and let’s get going. So, as I stated, we’re going to be talking about Monterey Car Week 2024 and all the auctions that went on.
Now, this was going to be very closely scrutinized and watched amongst individuals and people that are in this world that either obviously operate and that’s how they make their income or be people that buy and collect vehicles, buy and sell them or what have you because, you know, it’s um, We’ve had these before and this always happens.
So anyone that watches the market closely knows that, you know, hey, everything goes up. Must come down. So it just depends on when things happen. So it was our last pretty big downturn. There was something like this was back in, you know, Oh, 809 during that big old recession deal, wherever you want to call it in regards to everything melting down.
And you know, that whole kit and caboodle, um, you know, everyone thought COVID was going to be, [00:03:00] you know, uh, Take everything into the gutter, but actually it everything went the opposite way But anyways, so it’s been a while since we had kind of this sort of dip I guess you would say and going out there and possibly finding some good deals and get you know Getting cars back as I would kind of like to say back to some more realistic Pricing because I will say some of these prices on cars were getting absolutely obscene I mean, I just I couldn’t understand it And, you know, it’s unfortunate because what you have, what you get is, you know, someone out there, say, let’s just, you know, for argument’s sake, a 550 Maranello, um, you know, because hey, all of them are, those are all 6 speed manual cars, so that’s what’s hot, everyone wants the analog 6 speed, you know, manual cars, and as a side note, I still say that Ferrari should come out with, uh, reintroduce a model that has a six speed manual in it.
But anyways, uh, that’s neither here nor there, but as I was talking, as I kind of lost track [00:04:00] a minute here a second, but anyways. As I take the 550, but you have an owner that sees a car sell or go at auction or something like that for some crazy number. Cause it probably, you know, it had special options, low miles, blah, blah, blah.
But then they have their car that, you know, needs a belt service, needs all this kind of stuff that they think their cars were at the same amount. So, you know, with what I do, a big portion of what I have to do is educate and Sometimes you’re going to get them to understand the situation and see, I want to say, not that point of view, so to speak, but just say, look, understanding the logic of why, Hey, your car wasn’t worth that, what that car was, you know, this is what your car is in the region of value wise.
Cause of this, you know, you just lay everything out, you know, you compare apples to oranges, so to speak, and just lay everything out in regards to why Your car is not worth what his car was. [00:05:00] So, or all the way around. So it’s, you know, it’s one of those situations, like I said, you know, a good portion of majority of this stuff is actually just educating some of these owners.
And, you know, you would think that when you’re spending that kind of money on vehicles, that these people would do a lot of homework and really kind of dive deep and understand valuation, market trends, everything like that. But again, Here’s the thing. As I always tell people, if you’re going into this to buy a car as an investment, and that’s your sole driving factor is, Hey, I’m going to buy this car because in five, 10 years, it’s going to double or triple in value.
So let me get my money back. If that’s your mindset, you’re going to screw yourself. You’re going to be F’d because that is not the way that you approach this. You buy a car because you love the car, you buy the car because you love how it drives, how it looks, everything, you know, everything that comes along with it, you know, going to rallies, going to events, everything [00:06:00] like that, just the camaraderie.
That’s why you buy that car. And you know, Hey, luckily for you, if you’re in that financial position that you can afford it, God bless you, get it, have some fun with it. But You know, don’t go with that mindset. Now, granted, there are going to be some that, Hey, you’re pretty much dumb. I, I’m not going to use the G word, but you know, um, you’re pretty close with, Hey, that.
You don’t only would get your money back, but, and then some, but now those are scenarios where you are either a, a very, very good customer of that manufacturer. So you have the opportunity to get dibs on first cars that come out of it like that. You know, they contact you, Hey, we have this car coming out, you know, do you want an allocation, blah, blah, blah.
And everyone’s going to say yes, because they know that they can get it, keep it for a year, whatever Whatever the restrictions may be, and then turn around and sell it and make a bunch of money. So, um, that does happen, but now and then there’s also ways around the restrictions that [00:07:00] get put on some of these cars.
You know, Ferrari is very well known for being very, very strict. Putting up some crazy ass restrictions on new cars that come out just to try and protect it. They’re not going out. They’re just getting flipped. You know, granted, you’re going to have a lot of these guys. They keep the car because they want the car.
Let’s take example of the new F80 that’s coming out. If none of you have heard this yet, but that’s what it will be is the F80, uh, allocations and people build slots and whatnot have gone out. Uh, if you look up online, the one I, you know, fantastic guys, David Lee, just look up Ferrari collector, David Lee, and look up.
He’s got a thing on Instagram. He did his little, uh, you know, reveal on his thing that he got shown that he has an allocation for an F 80. Um, and because it’s been 80 years, a whole nine years, it all coincides with everything. So, uh, the car is going to be spectacular from my understanding. Uh, it’s going to have, you know, all the bells, whistles, but it still will have a natural aspirated V12, um, from my understanding.
Um, but they’re going to [00:08:00] have, I believe, hybrid assist, something like that. I’m not 100 percent sure. I’ve gotten things here and there on it, but I hate, you know, to speculate because then when you’re wrong, you look like an idiot. So, I wait until the actual facts come out and see what it is. So, but I’m excited for that.
That’s going to be a great car. But anyways, we need to get back to what this original thing was supposed to be about. I apologize if I keep rambling on because like I said, you know, it’s been a while and I got a lot to get off my chest. But anyways, we’re going to go talk about Monterey this week or this past, you know, two weeks ago or whatever the heck it was.
Uh, I did not go out there. Um, these that week that Monterey happens is the week I take my daughter back to college. So this is her second year going back to school. She’s going to Kent state. Uh, so, I try and squeeze it in because she goes back right in the middle of the week and going out there. It’s just not worth it.
And in all honesty, it’s becoming such. A zoo out there that I mean, it’s kind of tough. I want, I mean, you’ll enjoy yourself. You’re going to see some [00:09:00] awesome cars, you know, uh, there’s some great events to attend. There’s great parties. There’s stuff that, hey, you’re free. There’s stuff that you got paid for, you know, but the traffic.
Just everything, unless you can afford it, get a bunch of guys together and get yourself something that’s close to town, something like that. It’s a pain in the ass. Like I, you know, know some guys they went out to and they were staying almost an hour outside of town miles wise that should have taken them 45 minutes to hour, but it was taking them two to three hours to get in just because of traffic.
You know, and that’s not what I go out there for. I don’t want to go out there and sit in traffic like that. Just makes for a long, long day. Cause you drive in and then you’re there, you’re stuck there. You know, I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me. I’m sure there’s other people that feel this way. But you know, I like to have knowing that I have an in and out that I can, you know, if I need to get away, I can either jump in my car real quick, drive for 10 15 minutes, get back to my hotel room, get back to my Airbnb, whatever, and just chill and relax.
Then come back a little bit later, re energize and do it. I hate knowing that I’m stuck somewhere. It drives me [00:10:00] insane. But you know, it’s, it’s crazy from what it used to be to what it is now. You know, it’s always been very busy. It’s always been a great event to attend. And I always tell people, if you’ve never been, do what you can.
If you’re a car person, that’s definitely an event to go to. This is just absolutely spectacular. Definitely, definitely. You know take take in at least once in your life because it’s really cool But for warning you once you go once you’re gonna want to keep going back. But again, it is not cheap It is not cheap to attend these events.
It’s not cheap to go to you know, the concourse Pebble Beach thing itself on Sunday You know, I mean you got to allocate, you know If you want to do it, right for one person, you probably need to allocate 10 grand 7, 500 bucks to 10 grand because of you know, the You know, obviously you want to try and split everything, but you got your, you know, what you could drive out there, but you have a plane ride, car rental, you know, your room rental, whatever you want to have, but it’s, you know, where you’re going to put your head, you know, food, all that kind of stuff.
You know, there’s so [00:11:00] many of those, uh, little intangibles, whatever, so to speak, that you’re going to have to foot the bill for. It can get quite expensive, but I said, you know, could you half ass it and try to do it on the cheap? Yeah, of course you could. You know, take the tent, maybe camp out, whatnot. Do it the rough way.
You could have some really good content with that. You know, why not? Do what you hate. You do you, but I definitely recommend going. Um, I might not get out there again. I’m going to try and possibly go next year, but it all depends. If my daughter, if she’s getting her own apartment, which more than likely will happen, then that’s a whole new ballgame in regards to moving around and doing all that kind of stuff.
So, who knows? But again, like I said, you know, a lot of stuff you can see online now, everything like that. Granted, it’s nice to meet people and network and do that kind of stuff, but You know, a lot of those people out there, you know, trying to get their ego stroked. So, um, getting things done and what not, I don’t know.
It just gets a little tiresome. You know, I’m 54. You know, it just gets old. You know, it’s like, hey, I’ll come to your [00:12:00] house. What city do you live in? Let’s just meet up there. I’ll fly in, drive in, whatever. We’ll sit down, we’ll chat, we’ll figure some things out. We’ll find you a car, get your car sold, whatever.
But all right, enough of that. I’ve rambled on for almost 12 minutes about a whole bunch of nonsense and everything like that. So I apologize for that. But anyways, let’s get on to Monterey. So for those of you that were watching results and one thing, and you know, as a side note, I apologize. I’m going off on a tangent again is I would wish.
Some of these auction houses, they’re fantastic. I’m posting the results and everything like that. Um, the one thing that just drives me nuts that I hate because you’re going to find out the information anyways, it’s going to get posted. People are going to dig, it’s going to get found. Just do the right thing and do a sound just post a post what it went for after sale, post sale, whatever, you know, and Hey, what’s the high, what did it get bid up to?
I mean, Come on, you know, it’s that kind of stuff drives me nuts. Mecom is [00:13:00] absolutely horrible in regards to auction results. You have no idea what I’ve been up to. You have no idea what it’s sold for or whatnot. They don’t post crap, you know, so I, it drives me absolutely insane with them trying to do research or what have you.
Luckily, there’s a couple, uh, sites and whatnot that I’m, I guess you say subscribed to that, you know, it shoots me every day. I get results, sales results, auction results, stuff like that. So, um, I get covered. So I, I have a thing, but it’s just for someone that’s out there, Hey, you know, wanting to do a little research, it can just be a real pain in the ass.
But anyways, getting back to some of these results. Now I know overall, Everything went well. A lot of these auction houses do. I think it was just a shade, uh, a shade under 361 million or think the total was, um, something like that in total for like all the auction house, which is good. I don’t want to say, I think it was an increase, slight increase, whatnot.
Um, maybe I should have done a little more research on this, but I was trying to look all [00:14:00] this crap up and it was just big. My eyes go cross cause I was just getting annoyed, you know, cause you’re trying to find stuff out and you can’t find it out. And just because. Again, why just post the shit? All right, just post it.
Would you, you know, what’s it gonna hurt? But anyways, we’re going to talk specifically, obviously about the Ferrari’s that went across the block. Um, and some hate, some sold for a world record price. Some didn’t meet expectations. They didn’t even hit the low bid, uh, low estimate, you know, they were, and they were way under the low estimate.
So that’s kind of where some of these people were able to kind of, yeah, I guess they swoop in and get themselves a good deal. I guess you could say, um, you know, ’cause that’s the other thing too, not kinda knowing, obviously depending on year. So if you’re talking basically a 5 50, 5 75, uh, 360, 4 30, eh, you know, those cars, whatnot.
I mean, I’m sorry, not 14, but the 360, [00:15:00] um, 5 75, 5 50, um, 5 9, 9, a little bit, but you know. Basically cars that when you got to get a service you’re talking, you know, 10, 15 grand, you know, because you have to do belts, everything like that. Some of those you got to pull the motor, all this crap is just, you know, it’s just a pain in the ass.
So, but, you know, that kind of stuff you don’t know anyways going in or whatnot. So, you know, there’s some of these things, well, hey, it’s sold for this, but well, you know what, you’re going to have another 20, 30 grand on top of that just for mechanicals and whatnot to get that thing up to snuff to re drive it.
Now, the one thing I’ve always kind of bantered about with this is. Who, is it actually getting purchased or bought by an individual to drive, put in their collection, whatever? Or is it getting bought by a dealer? I can’t tell, I mean, you see it all the time. I track this stuff and see it, and obviously it’s really easy because of VINs and that kind of stuff.
But, is Seeing a car go across the block, seeing what it sells for, you know, all [00:16:00] in fees, the whole nine yards, like, okay, that’s not too bad. You know, someone, someone got a pretty decent deal on that, they’ll be happy. Three months later, you see it sitting, being advertised at a dealer. You know, I mean, hey, you know, people went in for money and whatnot, and they saw a deal, they got it, and hey, they can make a few dollars.
God bless him. You know, but it’s like, how long is that car going to sit there? You know, and you know, I, I’m sure once they get their hands out, if they try and get a hold of low bidders and whatnot, the person that was second, third, fourth in line, reach out to them and say, Hey, I got that car, you know, and try and do something.
But again, Hey. You’re in the business to make money. That’s what you gotta do. That’s what you have to do. But I’m going to talk about some, uh, let’s start with talking about some, uh, five fifties because there are some that sold for, I would guess you would say the right money. Um, but then you had some that, you know, like, wait, why did it sell for that much money?
You know, it kind of was a little bit baffling, um, in regards to price on it. And you know, why would it go for that? Um, [00:17:00] Then we’ll jump up to the 575s, but then we’re going to talk about the 599s that went across. There were two 599s that went across that were actually factory six speeds from the factory manual cars that you know, everyone’s told Oh, those are million dollar cars.
Well, they didn’t sell anywhere near a million dollars And I know that there’s a dealer out there sitting on one of these. He’s had it for a bit That is not going to be happy with those results because he’s about 200 grand over, uh, on the high bid one, uh, high auction winning, uh, five, seven, uh, uh, 599 that went across.
So, um, cause that’s just going to be ammunition for someone to come and say, well, look, these two sold just recently a Monterey for this all in you’re 150 to 200, 000 over that. You know, God knows what the guy’s got into the car and what he picked it up for. I mean, cause the guy is not on consignment. And it’s no secret, just do a search, go into Auto Tempest.
You’ll find it. Um, hold on, let me take a sip of my Diet [00:18:00] Mountain Dew. My vocal cords are getting a little dry. But now, Let’s look at this one. Now, this is a 99 550. Now it’s a very unique color, but it’s got interior color that I just despise. I hate tan interior. Um, but this was finished in the blue NARC.
This was done over at, um, RM Sotheby’s. Big fan. I love RM. RM’s great. Um, their good was about publishing numbers, everything like that. So, but, Obviously being a 550, it’s a six speed manual, but it only had just under 5, 000 miles. So everything was done the whole nine yards. Um, not sure about when the last service was done, everything like that.
Um, but you know, this thing sold, um, it was at 280, 000. So now if you look at some other recent stuff that’s going on, you know, I’ve seen five fifties, fifties. You know, obviously more miles, a [00:19:00] lot more miles, you know, you’re talking, you know, maybe 20, miles, you know, going for 000. So, I mean, that’s a huge swing.
You’re talking basically half of what this is now. If you drive your Ferrari and you take care of it, you can put miles on it. And you know, these things, you know, 550, 575, 590, those are grand touring cars, man. Those cars are made to get on the road and just go, you know, could you have a little Canyon carving with it?
Of course you could, you know, because they’re front mid engine cars, you know? So, I mean, it’s got the handling that means not a mid engine cars, not a, you know, 360 or four thirds or anything like that. But, you can still have some fun with it, but those cars are made to get on the road and just go for a drive across country, which, in the next few years, we’re gonna set up, and my man Eric, you’re gonna be my co pilot, just FYI.
So, but anyways, um, this thing sold for 280, low miles, Very unique. I hate throwing out the word rare, [00:20:00] but, um, you know, beautiful color. Now, the one thing about these, and this was very common with a lot of these sales that was going on is due to the fact that a lot of these cars, obviously getting shipped into California for the auction either had to be sold to a dealer or it had to someone out of state had to buy it just because of emission stuff.
Um, you know, so, Out there as you can see there’s always way works that you know you buy you just put it under your Montana LLC Um and bang, there you go. You have it. So anyways, so this thing went for 280, 000, you know unique color everything like that Now, like I said, you go online you look around you find stuff that’s for sale out there Like I said, you’re gonna be anywhere from The low hundreds on up.
So again, it depends on miles, colors, you know, just how well is this thing maintained and everything like that. So let’s find that other candidate that I had that was for it. Where’d you go? Oh, here we go. Now this one was [00:21:00] interesting. And because here’s the thing, this thing, again, it had, where’s the mileage on this one?
Um, 21, 000 miles, but now it’s in the hot, the hot color that, you know, and I want to say David Lee, you’re the man that kind of kicked all this stuff off with the yellow, yellow. Uh, everyone all of a sudden got this big kick in regards to having yellow, yellow Ferraris. Um, I know David, you know, he’s got his yellow ones.
Now, some of them he had to get repainted because some of them they did not come from the factory in that color. Yeah. So he got them repainted, which, Hey, have at it. You know what, no big deal, but he’s, he’s got a 288 GTO that he did up in this color and it looks spectacular. And I don’t know, you know, if you look up some other, uh, 288s that were done at, there’s a black one running around.
There’s a white one. There’s this, uh, yellow one that David’s got. I mean, it looks great, you know, and why not have at it? He has some fun with it. You know, who cares? You know, it’s [00:22:00] your car. Do what you want. But anyways, this went by from Gooding. Now this one had 21, 000 miles on it, it had, you know, obviously it’s yellow with black interior, uh, it had a major service that was just recently done.
What does that mean? I don’t know, because, um, it’s, you know, what’s recent to you? To me, recent’s within the past six months. Some people say, oh, it’s had a recent service, when was it? Oh, three years ago! Well, here’s the thing on your services. It’s either by mileage or by years. If you go minimal, basically is every five years, you know, if you haven’t achieved it through mileage, you need to get your belt service done and get the major service done.
Plain and simple. So I don’t know what they mean by racing, but anyways, this sold. for 212, 000, I’d just say under just under 213, 000. Now here’s the thing, this is what I like about Gooding. They had an estimate, it was because this went without reserve, of 250, 000 to 300, 000. So right there it shows you this thing went [00:23:00] for basically 30, 000 under its low estimate, right?
Is my math right? Uh, thirty five thousand, basically. Yeah, roughly about, a little over thirty five, thirty six thousand dollars, thirty seven thousand dollars, under the low estimate. So, that kind of tells you, okay, but why? Why did that other one go for so much more than this one did? Well, I don’t know, color, but it’s got the yellow, because of, uh, I don’t know.
I mean, that’s one thing. So, and again, who’s in the room, who’s not in the room going around. This is, this was a good deal, in my opinion, because of what the color is, recent service, everything like that. And it had an original owner until 2024. So basically a one owner car. So, This thing was stunning.
Absolutely beautiful. I watched this thing go across and if I had the pockets I would have bought this thing because this thing looks stunning in the yellow. Um, it’s absolutely fantastic. So that kind of gives you an idea of going through between these where [00:24:00] the one met its low, it didn’t go over its high reserve, but it met it and hit it.
Now this one, you know, obviously being way under like that was a little, you don’t know why. And again, you have all these variables involved when you go. And it happens. Now, look at this one. And this is why, because, here’s the thing, because this is a 2001
550 Maranello. Estimate? 300, 000 to 400, 000. This went out without reserve. Had just under 3, 000 miles on it. Had a recent service, everything done. It was a 2023 Ferrari Club of America Platinum award winner. So it’s got, but here’s a key thing. Cause not many were built in black on black. So, um, I love this car.
This thing is spectacular. I’m a big fan. Black on black. Um, you know, but absolutely stunning car. You know, everything got ticks [00:25:00] all the box, everything like that. 368, 000. So, again, miles, color, that plays a role. So look at that big swing between, basically, you know, nothing was huge and different across the years in the 550s.
You know, they didn’t change anything, there was no evolution or anything like that. They’re pretty much, yeah, hey, from when they got the first ones to the last month line, bam, you know, it’s when they do any type of change on it, they just change the, uh, nameplate, they change the moniker on the car to something else, hence like this, they change it to 575 when they start doing some big changes, so, but look at that big swing, that was what, close to 150, 000 swing in regards to price between one, two, Miles, this thing had, you know, was it 18, 000 less miles?
Um, and it’s got the, you know, the yellow is a very desirable and hot color. So, I mean, that’s just a huge swing difference, but that kind of tells you what was going on out [00:26:00] there in regards to pricing. So someone got, you know, I want to say a good deal on this, but the thing is, cause it was black on black.
Um, but again, that scenario, this person, are they going to drive it? Who knows? Because of, Hey, low miles. Black on black, more than likely, this thing will probably get driven maybe 200 miles a year at best, which is sad because this thing needs to get driven, so. But, we’re going to go and jump over to 575s.
Now here’s the one thing about 575s. Uh, as we know, if you watched any, uh, my one I did in regards to comparing 550 to 575s, you know that obviously 550s, the whole production run was all manuals. But then when you got into the 575s, they brought in the F1 transmission. So out of the, what is it, roughly 5, 000, just under 000, whatever that amount was, you know, production numbers, only 268 of them were actually factory manuals.
So, that’s where the desire comes in, is finding yourself a factory manual [00:27:00] 575. Now, that’s where you’re going to get the, you know, kind of, I guess you would say, big price swing between them in regards to, alright, well, hey, a Regular 575 F1 training, you know, even with lower miles or anything like that, dollar wise, you’re going to be between 125 to 175.
Depending on miles, colors, you know, options, everything like that, that’s where you’re going to be on an F1 training. Now, if you jump into the factory 6 speed, basically what it is, is it should double in price, in essence, just because of the low production numbers. So that’s really good. But were you having that?
Not really so much, which was crazy because it’s, um, again, weird what the market was doing out there in regards to it now. So we had like this one here. Now it was of the, you know, 246 examples produced with the manual. So this thing has just under 10, 000 miles on it. Um, [00:28:00] and, It’s got very limited service documentation, which it which is kind of odd for a Ferrari.
So I just kind of showing someone being lazy But here’s the thing with this now, it’s in your standard tan and what you’re like I’m sorry, you know your red tan interior or creamish color interior on this but this thing sold for 240 96, 500. So my guess is the estimate on this, uh, was between 250, 000 or 250, 000 to 350, 000.
They gave themselves a wide berth on that. But again, it was a factory manual car. So price wise, I mean, are you there? I mean, I don’t know. Because here’s the thing with these. Now, obviously, value wise, you get this You know, factory from, you know, from the factory six speed. Yeah, that’s a lot of value, but with those cars, with the 575 and a 599, um, and obviously with the [00:29:00] 430, you can actually convert those over to a six speed manual.
Uh, all you gotta do is pull off the hydraulic actuators and everything that’s being, you know, that does all the shifting for you because the actual transmission itself is still. a manual transmission that was built because they just hooked up all these, and it’s very heavy to the whole system, the whole unit, you know, they just hooked up a whole hydraulic system to it.
That did all the work for you, blah blah blah, the computer did everything, so. You know, you go to EAG, uh, there’s a couple other entities out there that can do it. Um, but anyways, EAG is the best known for doing it. Is, the key thing is you’re getting your computer programming done correctly. That’s where you’re going to need all the help at.
So, because that’s what’s going to drive the system, so it knows to do the revving, everything like that, um, and getting it done. So hopefully, you know, like I said, you go to EAG, it’s about 40 grand, do it right. And the nice thing with EAG is any other service or whatnot you may need, they can [00:30:00] handle it.
Let’s look at this 2003 again. That thing sold for just under 300, 000. And, you know, I would say a decent deal. Um, you know, not a steal or anything like that. But, again, you gotta try and find yourself. Where are you gonna find another 575, 000 Maranello? Um, In regards to, you know, manual one, doing it. So, like you can go out and bring a trailer against it, but that’s probably where they’re at dollar wise.
So, that was actually a good result. So that’s where, that’s a market correct result for that car. Now, obviously, like I said, you go to other ones that are F1 training and whatnot, you’re in the low to mid hundred range. So again, but what you could do is, and here’s my opinion, because if I’m gonna drive the car, if you’re gonna have to drop 300 grand on a factory six speed, Let’s see, I can pick up one for 125, 000, let’s just say, that’s got maybe, I don’t know, 15, miles on it.
I can drop [00:31:00] 40, 000, so let’s just say 50, 000, because there are other things I need to get done. 50, 000 on it to get the tranny turned over to a manual. I’m under 200 grand into the car. I’m enjoying it. I got the manuscript and you know what? I’m just out there having fun with it. Will you get back what you got it?
Cause like right now, if you go online and you look around for some that, uh, you know, had the swap done, you’re probably, you know, I see it in there between 175 to 225. Depending on the car, mileage, everything like that, colors, everything like that. So, you know, and some of those are creep that are in the 200 range.
There’s one out there. I think it’s at 205 or something like that. I mean, you know, that’s pushing it. I don’t think you’ll get it. And that car has been sitting at that dealer for a while. Um, but if it’s your own car, I mean, get it done, you know, the, uh, color combination options, everything open up immensely when you’re not hindered by having to purchase Speed because one, there’s only [00:32:00] the 246 that were built and two, how many are actually out there in the market that are for sale.
And so you got to get your choices, get limited and you can’t be good. You can’t get picky about it. And so I was like, well, I’m spending 200, 000. I’m gonna get what I want. Well, yeah, that’d be great. But your problem is, is you’re going to be waiting a long time or you’re gonna pay through the nose or you have to go to an auction, what have you, you know, where it’s a little more high profile.
So, it all depends, but my, I have my druthers, I’d just be buying myself an F1 tranny and just do the swap. Now here’s the interesting part, we’re going to jump into the 599s, because that’s where this thing got very, very interesting. Because again, with your F1 tranny and your 6, factory 6 speed manual, worldwide, they only produce 30.
Factory gated six speeds and 20 of those came to the United States. So that, that tells you, all right, your choices in that are very limited. Now I know people were throwing around the number on the five, nine, nine factor six speeds at a million dollars, 950, 000, blah, blah, [00:33:00] blah. You know, so I said before, there’s a dealer that’s got one.
He’s had it for awhile and they’re close to that 900, 000 range. Now. At this auction, because one was part of a collection that went through, was two factory, made, factory gated manual 599s. So, um, low miles, very low miles, unique color combination. Low, like the one I want to say was 150, 000 under it.
Another one was like 200, 000 under low estimate. Because anyways, this one here that went through, um, RM Sotheby’s had just under 1, 700 miles. Uh, I know the service was done very recently. Everything, everything came with this car. I mean, everything. So, I mean, it’s a brilliant example. Beautiful. Stunning.
Again, I love the exterior. It was, it’s just a absolutely [00:34:00] stunning, stunning car. So anyways, this thing’s old cost 786, 000. So look at that. Someone is kind of throwing around numbers that, Oh, that’s a million dollar car. It’s up there. Look at that. That was basically 200, 000 under, I think this one was 150, 000 under the low estimate.
Thanks. They had the highest mint in the million range, in the seven figure range, which is very, very ambitious. Now, these things are spectacular to drive with the manual. Absolutely spectacular. And now again, here’s the situation. You’re spending almost three, over three quarters of a million dollars on a car that you could go buy with an F1 tranny For 150, 000, 175, 000, depending on miles, everything like that.
Um, just to hold 9 yards. That, [00:35:00] um, spend 40, 000 and get yourself a manual. I mean, why, why wouldn’t you? Right? I mean, if you want to drive it like that, I know a bunch of people. Look, Hoovey’s got one. He said the thing drives phenomenal. There’s quite a few guys out there that are doing it because it’s just, it’s a great swab to do.
It really, hey, you get that, you know, that feel to it, everything like that. I mean, Yeah, look, by the time they basically went to a different tranny, that F1 tranny towards the end of its life was actually pretty decent. It was changing gears quick, everything like that. They got it down the early stuff, like in the 3, 5, 5 stuff.
I mean, it was junk. I mean, it would take , it would take, you know, many seconds for it to change gear, to do all the stuff you to do. But anyway, by, by the end of its life cycle or end of its life, uh, it was actually a decent transmission. But there’s nothing like driving a front, front engine, V 12 ferri to six speed manual.
So my draw is I had someone to look if you’re going to drive it. Now [00:36:00] again, this kind of goes back to that other thing I was saying about, you know, don’t go into this about, you know, make thing. These are investments. What have you? Because that’s what a lot of people started jumping in thinking, okay, that’s a five to nine is going to be a million dollar car.
Could it be in five to 10 years? Yeah, probably a factory six speed manual. It’s going to be probably in the seven figure range, but it’s going to take five to 10 years to get there market soft right now. But look at this one that went through at Gooding. They had a low estimate of 650, 000. Went through our reserve.
This thing had, let me see, where’s the miles on this one? Uh, but where’d you go? Come on, tell me the miles. Um, I don’t know. I know the miles weren’t all that high on this one. Um, but anyways. Sold. All in fees, everything 610, 000. So right there, 40, 000 under the low estimate. So, that’s a factory gated manual, red, tan interior, it’s a whole nine yards.
Beautiful car. Everything’s going, oh, here we go. Had less than ten and a half [00:37:00] thousand miles on it. Uh, all the service documents, everything like that. Again, so it went through our service, so it was selling. So, um, whatever it got, it got. And there you go. Out the door. Someone got themselves a heck of a deal on that.
See, look at it, you saved there. You saved close to 200, 000. I mean a little bit less, what, 180, 000? By buying a car that’s got, what was it, 8, 000 more miles on it? Uh, than that blue one? Factory 6 speed manual and stuff? That was a great deal right there. That was a heck of a buy. Now, again, it goes back to that poor bastard dealer that’s got one sitting there.
He’s got some for, I think it’s close to 900, 000. You know what? Hey, let me, let me, uh, where’s the auto Tempest. Let’s, let’s look up on auto Tempest now folks. I haven’t looked this thing up in a long time to see. I said he might’ve pulled it just because of the fact that that went through and he’s like, Oh crap.
You know, uh, I can’t be selling it for that because no one’s [00:38:00] going to come buy it. But let’s see here. Five, nine, nine. If you don’t use auto Tempest, use auto temp. I go on, bring a trailer. Um, I go to bring a trailer every day, multiple times a day. And I go on auto Tempest at least once a day, myself, just, Hey, what’s out there.
What’s available. What’s being sold. Is anything gotten posted new recently? So let’s see here. We’re going to sort this by highest price. Let’s see.
Let’s see here. All right, here we go. Yep. Look at this. We have one on here, 2011 by nine nine factory manual. Uh, Oh, I’m sorry. That’s a GTO. They got a little mislabeled wrong. So, um, here’s the, no, that’s another GTO as well. The GTO going for almost, you know, a million bucks. Uh, great car. But again, but all right.
Um, here we go. This one, [00:39:00] 2007 got just under 6, 000 miles. Um, so it almost like a charcoal black interior, but this one’s a factory six speed 815, 000. So it’s not too far off. Of the one, but this one, he’s knocked down the price a smidge, uh, from when it first got posted. They said, I keep track of all these things and, you know, uh, in regards to what’s going on to get price alerts, that kind of jazz, blah, blah, blah.
But, but again, you know, um, some of these are a little ambitious with price, you know, cause you got a 2010, You know, just under 11, 000 miles on here, white, black interior, Jurassic in 270. I think that’s a little way too ambitious myself. And like this thing’s April 3rd, these things have been sitting at these deals for a while.
These guys are just like way, way too ambitious. You know, um, you just go down, get something that’s [00:40:00] a little bit older and you know, you can get yourself a good deal. Like here’s a, yeah. 2008 at Marshall Goldman, uh, just under 18, 000 miles, 163 grand. There you go. Negotiate with them. You probably get it for 150.
Like I said, you drop in your 50 grand all in for your tranny work, whatever needs to be done. You got yourself a manual with 200 grand. Look at that. So all said and done. There you go. Wham, bam. Thank you, ma’am. So anyways, back to our next, uh, I’ve actually, I’ve been gabbing for a while. But as you can see, with the 599s, that was an interesting one where some people, uh, were way, way high in regards to what they thought these things were going to go for.
I honestly thought they were too, but, hey. The auction speaks when the number hits, the number hits. Now we’re going to get into the upper edge line of those are more, I guess you say the expensive Ferrari stuff. Um, a lot of stuff didn’t sell. Um, some stuff [00:41:00] got moved after the fact, but a lot of stuff that was about two or 3 million and up did not sell.
Um, so it was kind of interesting. I don’t know if it was ambitious in regards to, Um, you know, owners just set too high of a reserve, what have you. I don’t know. But, um, a lot of stuff just didn’t. Didn’t go. Um, a lot of the older stuff, like from the 50s and 60s does not sell. Now I will say that there were some gorgeous, gorgeous 275s that went across a lot.
Uh, there was that 67 alloy, uh, 4 cam, that white one that went across. That thing was absolutely stunning. That went for all in, I think it was just under 5. 6. Um, that thing was just a spectacular car. Where’d it go? I had it here a minute ago. Um, I don’t know what I did with it. Um, anyways, you know, but you know, you also had, you know, this, uh, This 500 Mondial Spider [00:42:00] by Pininfarina, that went for just over 2.
8, you know, it said. So, there was quite a few big numbers that went, but there’s also quite a few big numbers that didn’t sell. And that can really kind of throw your, uh, results, uh, askew in regards to, hey, your auction results and what have you. So, um, but the one that I kind of wanted to focus on, my kind of thing, like I said, was that 275.
There were two on there that didn’t sell. And where’d they go? Cause, um, There was, the alloy, there were two. And it was interesting, cause one was a 66, one was a 67, one was a 4 cam, One was not, the 66 was not, it was a six carb. Um, but that one sold for, you know, just under 3.5. But then the nat alloy body by SK went for just a smidge under 5.3 million.
So, I mean, that, that tells you the big swing in regards to four camera that now, ’cause when you get into the four cams, there are obviously a lot [00:43:00] less built. Um, you know, that was in the some 66. Have them. But all 67s were the four cams. So, but that kind of tells you, but the body, the race, he gets your everything.
That way when he had a lot of Providence to it, but he said that thing went for some great money. Uh, test to roasters are starting to jump back up and start kind of getting that following. Now that has a lot to do with, Hey, the people that grew up Miami vice area, what have you. You know what, they got the money now, they want that Testarossa because they want to be sunny in Crockett.
So that’s going on, but now the one big one that went was that, uh, the Cal, the Cal Spider that just went over a little over 17 million. Now that car had a great provenance, um, fantastic car, everything about it. It was a covered headlight one, which you made it even more rare out of the whole production run.
That thing was spectacular. There’s some great videos online with that car. Uh, just some absolutely. Absolutely stunning stuff with that. Um, [00:44:00] then there was the 59 that went for just a smidge over 5. 6. Now the one, one I was kind of surprised by was that F40, minty 40, um, that was painted that mint green color.
Um, that only went for just a hair under 1. 8. Now I know, hey, the color change, everything like that. Um, the whole nine yards and my thought, I think it’s got some, uh, what were the miles on that thing? Um, uh, what does it say? I can’t remember. I don’t know. But anyways, that was kind of a little surprise. I thought that might go for one.
I think the owners thought it would go for more too, just because, oh, hey, you know, again, unique color. It’s not all like, just like all the red ones you see, but you know what? It’s an F40. When you see a red F40, you see a red F, they’re gorgeous. So I mean, you know, I don’t think you really need to change color on that thing to say, Hey, look at me.
But anyways, that was a little bit surprising. I thought that was going to go for some more money. So someone got themselves a heck of a deal on that. Now here’s the one thing is, is going back to the original color. I [00:45:00] think it’s pointless now because. You’d have to find the specialist that’s going to be able to do that because with the weave, everything on that, that’s going to, that takes that delicate deft touch that and to know how those things got painted, uh, out of the factory because when they got paint out of the factory, you know, they were very, very light coat and that’s, and a lot of people complained that got to Carter like, okay.
They thought it was a shit paint job. They sent them back out and got them painted again. They put too much paint on it. So trying to find one to see the weave, everything like that. But the one we’re going to end this whole conversation on is the, uh, the F 50 that’s sold for the world record price of just over 5.
5 million. Now those things are just going up, going up. Those in the Enzo’s are going up in value. But those F50’s, they only did the 349 of them. You know, there are only 55 original cars got delivered to the U. S. So that makes it even more rare. The thing only had, uh, just under, just a little bit over 8, 500 miles.
But, you know, naturally [00:46:00] aspirated. Manual car. I mean, just absolutely stunning. That right there would be an investment grade car if that’s what you’re going in for. Again, you can keep your miles down, whatever, but that would be a car to get your hands on if you’re looking for something. And it ain’t cheap, but my guess.
in 10, 15 years, that should be a 10 million car easily, if not sooner. Um, so, but that, that was a great sale by the owner. The owner made out fantastic with that. And then again, the person that got it, got it. Because if you go, I say on the off market side, everything’s at five, one, five, two, everything’s above that.
So I was in that five, five, you got your fees and everything in that as well. So, Off market, everything like that, you know, in that five million range, that’s about where there’s a goal. So I think it was a market correct sale, actually. And it being a record, you know, record breaking price at auction. There you go.
Now, understandably, you know, it’s all that’s public [00:47:00] numbers that are published that can give you, Oh, that’s a record price, blah, blah, blah. Well, You never know what goes on behind the scenes because a lot of people, you sign NDAs. Hey, you’re not going to kind of disclose what was, you know, your client, what they bought it for, what have you.
It just doesn’t happen. So, but anyways, I’m going to wrap this up because I’ve been talking over 45 minutes. Um, and I kind of just wanted to get all that off my chest regards to Monterey car week, all the stuff that happened. It was very, very interesting because what’s going on in the market. So some stuff sold way under some stuff sold market crack.
one or two here and there. Very few kind of surprise people. Um, but it just kind of shows you where everything’s at right now in the marketplace. Um, so if you got the means and the wherewithal, I think, you know, don’t get your hands on a five 50 by 75, something like that, a three 60, four 30, what have you, um, definitely step up.
I would do it now because you’re going to find some great pricing on these things now. And like I said, [00:48:00] You know, you’re going to have that argument. Some people think it’s blasphemy, it’s sacrilegious to, uh, change out the transmission on a car that had the F1 training to a 6 speed, but you know what, it’s your car, do what you want with it.
If you’re going to drive it, have at it. You know, I just, I don’t see like an F40, I’m sorry, uh, F430, uh, 360, anything like that that’s got the F1 training. You know, it’s not going to, it’s not going to increase in all that much value, having that F1 training. Okay, now if you have the manual, yes. There you go, it’s a safe bet, but if you have a car that had the F1 tranny originally, and you get a six speed manual put in it, just have fun with it.
So anyways, I’m gonna wrap this up. I appreciate you guys listening. I know it’s been a long time. Now that we’re winding down summer, I should, you know, start to be able to get more of these out, uh, and get these things going, so. I’m going to send this over to my boy, Eric. He’s going to get everything all cleaned up, make it sound pretty, make me sound better, make me all nicey, nice.
And we’ll get this thing out there. And like I said, hopefully, you know, I’ll get off my ass [00:49:00] and then can squeeze and start doing more of these. So again, thanks for listening guys. Check out the other, uh, episodes we got for the Ferrari marketplace, podcast network, uh, and check out what other. Desirable podcast.
We got show some love and support guys. We also got the YouTube channel out there as well. So that’s kind of growing cause I got some cool things coming. I’m hitting up to Wisconsin here in a couple of weeks. For the, uh, Ferrari Club of America’s annual get together. But I’m also going to hit up something new that I’ve never been to, but looks really cool in Indianapolis.
I’m on my way up, I’m kind of doing this weird route, but I’m hitting up Artimobilia, so that’s going to be cool. So, a lot of cool things coming on the channel, on the YouTube channel, but also, like I said, I’m going to get off my ass and get more of these put out there. So, again guys, I really appreciate it.
Any questions, thoughts, suggestions, whatnot, shoot me an email, it’s just William at TheFerrariMarketplace. com Thanks guys, have a good one. Till next time. Keep the right side up.[00:50:00]
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Copyright William Ross, Exotic Car Marketplace a division of Sixty5 Motorsports. This episode is part of Gran Touring Motorsports, Motoring Podcast Network and has been republished with permission.