In this episode William’s focus is on the Ferrari F80, its market dynamics, allocation process, and the challenges faced by customers in securing these exclusive models. He also touches on other exotic cars and their market trends, emphasizing the significant value and investment required to own such elite vehicles.

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Motoring Podcast Network

Episode 30


  • 00:00 Introduction to Ferrari Fridays
  • 00:33 Shoutouts and Sponsors
  • 01:46 New Year Resolutions and Personal Updates
  • 03:04 Deep Dive into the Ferrari F80
  • 08:13 Market Trends and Allocation Challenges
  • 13:02 Comparisons with Other Hypercars
  • 22:52 Concluding Thoughts and Future Episodes


[00:00:00] As part of Ferrari Fridays, William Ross from the Exotic Car Marketplace will be discussing all things Ferrari and interviewing people that live and breathe the Ferrari brand. Topics range from road cars to racing, drivers to owners, as well as auctions, private sales, and trends in the collector market.

And Happy New Year everyone! This is William here at the Ferrari Marketplace Podcast. Welcoming you to a new year. I’d like to give a shout out to our supporters and sponsors. Did I say that right? Supporters? Yes. Our supporters and sponsors. Gotta give a big shout out to the Motoring Podcast Network.

Check out MotoringPodcast. net to take a look at all the podcasts that we have that are available. There’s a nice variety and selection of different automotive related podcasts you can check out on two wheels and four wheels. So check that out. Take a look. Also, [00:01:00] obviously, the FerrariMarketplace. com but then also we have the Exotic Car Marketplace.

com The name says it all, where to find it. So go check those out and also check out Grand Touring Motorsports. Uh, they also got some great e zines that Eric has spent a lot of time cultivating and put together and redoing. So definitely check that out because there’s a lot of cool stuff to check out from the past few years put together.

Eric has done. Did that make sense? But yeah, so take a look at that. Check those things out. We’ll, uh, put the links up and everything on in the description. So when you check it out, you can just click on those and take a look. I definitely recommend checking them all out. Lots of cool stuff to go see, listen to, watch, hear.

You know, the basics. So anyways, onward and upward for 2025. Let’s try and make this a little more regular and get more podcasts out there. I know I keep saying this in all my previous podcasts that, Oh, I got to do this more. I got to get more of this. I’m busy. I got a lot of stuff going [00:02:00] on. You know, uh, I’m not home a lot.

I travel. I got all these other things going outside of the automotive stuff. For those of you who may not know, I also do a lot of charity work. I help run a couple, uh, not a couple, I said I help run, uh, One organization that helps support pediatric burn survivors. So if you want to check it out, it’s acbcohio.

org. Uh, but then I also volunteer a couple of animal shelters, trying to help them out, walk dogs and whatnot like that. So I’m kind of spread out there. So, but you know what? I enjoy it. I love it. And Hey, this is how I want to live my life. So I’m going to try and do everything I can, but I’m gonna try and do what I can to get more, uh, podcast episodes out there this year for 2025, because there are a lot of cool things we can discuss and talk about, or I don’t see so much discussed, but I guess I could.

Opine on and tell you my thoughts and opinions on right, but you always can reach out to me at William at the Ferrari marketplace. com If you got any questions want a discussion to talk about hey, maybe you want to come on the show More than happy to have some guests on here. We have a lot of fun with it So anyways, I’m wearing upper today’s [00:03:00] episode the first one of 2025 We are good.

We’re gonna I guess a revisit. We’re gonna talk about the f80 again But not just F80, we’re going to talk about, you know, all these, uh, I guess you’d say hypercars or whatnot that are out there right now. And the reason I want to bring up the F80 though is because it’s become, it’s rather interesting what’s going on in the market with the F80, the allocations.

They haven’t started building them yet. They may be getting in the process of starting, but they haven’t started building them yet. But, As all of you know, I’m sure many of you know, are aware, you know, Ferrari’s got a very selective process in regards to doling out allocations for build slots, so to get your hands on it.

So you gotta be a big ol VIP customer, uh, to get yourself an allocation of these halo cars, I guess you could call them, that they put out every 10 years roughly. So, I will say this, I just watched this morning, [00:04:00] and I, check it out, it’s really good, you know, Mr. Bolin on Vindwiki, uh, did a really good, uh, overview in regards to about how you get on these VIP lists and go about doing it, because it kind of changes, you know, from time to time in regards to what you need to do and a lot of it used to be about, you know, obviously you got to have a lot of Ferraris.

Uh, they used to kind of almost base it on, hey, all right, do you have, you know, the, I don’t know what you’d want to call it, the Holy Five, um, you know, 288, F40, F50, Enzo, uh, LaFerrari. So, um, you know, and now obviously the F80 is coming into play. So, You know, you used to have to have that. Now it’s kind of more, as he’s stating, and as I’m aware of, is the fact is, you know, now it’s kind of more biased towards the fact is, you know, what are you doing option wise?

You know, are you dropping the 200, 000 in just options on a car? So, you’re talking, you got your base price of 300, 000, 400, 000, 500, 000 put into the car, and then you’re dropping another 200, 000. [00:05:00] Basically half the price of the car on options, but you know, it’s, you know, I don’t know if they’re looking for loyalty or whatnot, but then you also have the avenues if you run the challenge series, there’s all these different avenues to go about doing it, but the one thing for sure, it will cost you a lot of money.

to be on that. So you have to have some very, very deep pockets, a trust fund, whatever, you know, gotta be one of those, you know, you hit the sperm lottery, uh, and you know, your parents, grandparents, whoever, you know, left you a lot of money, what have you. Um, you know, so then you could be in that position. So, but anyways, hey, God bless you if you are, cause hey, you know, it’s a very privileged thing and you’re among the 1 percent of the 1%, you know, what have you.

So, but the reason I want to talk about and revisit this F80 and talk about some more, so. We’re not going to discuss in regards to, hey, what it is, we already did that, but what we’re going to talk about in regards to, it kind of, it’s going to reflect kind of back to that, I would say the Holy Trinity, you know, he had the, uh, he had the LaFerrari, the [00:06:00] 918 and the P1, the McLaren P1, Porsche 918, obviously in the Ferrari, LaFerrari.

So, Then, you know, it was kind of, you know, they were all very similar in regards to Powertrain, what have you. You know, obviously there’s some variation to them and everything along those lines. So, but, you know, again, there’s, there’s, I don’t want to say significant, but there’s enough difference between the two.

And obviously it’s going to depend on who you talk to, oh, one prefers the other. But it almost seems to be the consensus that, you know, You know, just squeaking, eking out on top is the P1. Um, that seems to be the consensus. Now, I love what McLaren’s doing and they’re getting a lot better at it, but you know, their quality issues and everything like that were kind of, you know, as they’ve been labeled McCarron’s.

Um, they can be a little testy, I guess you could say. So. But anyways, so they came out with those and they’re all very similar. Now, what you have, as everyone’s probably well aware of, [00:07:00] the F80 has a six cylinder motor. So, they’re basically trying to copy what the 499 is, their, uh, WEC car. So, they wanted to go that route, kind of, you know, hey, they spent all this money on that technology, put it in there, hey, let’s just put it in the road car.

It’s got a ton of horsepower. It’s fast. It’s good to handle. It’s going to be a great car. But, These cars, a Ferrari, should be, you know, be 12. Maybe even a twin turbo V8. Okay, let’s go back, you know, to that 40, 288. You’re even going to drop, man, a V6, a six cylinder motor in this thing. So, what’s happening is, you know, out of all the, the cars, you got, what is it, 799 they’re going to build.

And, obviously, you got to be that special person to get on, you know, get the allocation. You, hey, you get that. You know, get you got that, you got that package, whatever, you know, uh, got it to you in the mail. I’m sure you knew ahead of time that you’re probably [00:08:00] going to be receiving it, but you know, you got that moment in regards to, Hey, alright, it’s official.

I have an allocation. But now just because you get sent it doesn’t mean you have to take it. But here’s the problem. If you turn it down, you don’t take it. How does that affect you for the next one that comes out in 10 years? Did they go, you know, build it because they will. And by that point, it’s going to be all electric.

So, I mean, I don’t know my opinion, do you really want it? But anyways, so that’s where that tricky fine line comes into. I mean, you really can’t turn it down, but the problem is, is you have, you know, a lot of people out there and I, I have a couple of clients that it’s that position, they have allocations.

You know, and they’re sitting on it because they’re kind of like, they’re not sure they want to get it because they actually want to drive the car and see what happens, I guess, in the market. Cause here’s the other thing that’s going on with this car. Now, Back in the day, with your other previous cars, they were priced, I guess you want to say, all within [00:09:00] reason.

You know, yeah, the LaFerrari was up there, it was 1. 8, like, it’s under 2 million bucks. You know, it came out of the factory, but as soon as it hit the market, got out there, it basically doubled in value and whatnot. So, hey, yeah, I think, but, you know, obviously Ferrari’s putting these restrictions on, you know, reselling it.

So, hey, you can’t do it for two years, it’s not, because again, it will hurt your status with Ferrari. And they will find out. No matter how you get that car, whatever you do, they will find out. Alright, so they’re like Interpol, basically. They’ll figure it out. The FBI, CIA, they’ll get this stuff figured out and know what you’re doing with your cars.

Trust me, they watch that stuff like nobody’s business. Their business, I guess you could say. So anyways, what they’re running into is, out of the 799 allocations that got sent out, There’s still 20 percent of them that have not, I guess, that’s obviously spoken for, haven’t been, the option to do it has not been taken up.

So, what is that out of 799? Now this is still rough, obviously it’s going to change on a daily, weekly basis. [00:10:00] So, um, let me bust out my calculator here. So you got 799 times 20%. That’s almost 160 cars. Just a smidge under. So, it’s probably worth saying it’s 150 cars right now. They have 150 allocations that no one is taking that option up on because of the fact is they’re not sure.

But here’s the other thing that’s kind of, I guess you would say, maybe making people a little hesitant in regards to it. You know, somebody’s going to play that long game. Oh, it’ll go up in value. Why not? You’re going to be over 4 million, if not close to 5 million on that car. Sticker! Sticker. Buying that car.

Now, Ferrari, I’m not saying this is what they’re doing. I’m not saying this is what is happening. But, You know, they see what happens in the market. They see what happened in the previous thing with these cars. That people get them, what not. They have them for a year or two. And then, all of a sudden, BAM!

They’re doubling, tripling their money. You know, turn around and just sell it then, because then they’re out of that, hey, they can do whatever they want, you’re out of, you know, [00:11:00] you’re out of that penalty window, I guess you could say. So, Ferrari’s mindset is, well, we feel that out in the secondary market, these things are going to be 5 million bucks.

So, let’s just charge that, retail wise. I would love to know what their gross profit is on those cards. It’s got to be obscene. I’m sure it’s, you know, seven figures of some sort. But it’s an interesting market move for them in regards to what they’re charging for that car. Now, again, obviously they’ve sold quite a few of them.

They’ve sold, you know, over, uh, 600 of them. Obviously, people have taken up doing it. But, again, are those your hardcore people? I don’t know. And, again, as people understand, you know, I have to buy it. It’s part of this game I gotta play with Ferrari to be a VIP still to get, you know, other allocations.

Because, as we all know, uh, As of now, you know, some years ago, hey, that was it. They just had these halo cars that would come out, and that’s it. Yeah, they had the other cars that you could drive, the roads, you know, road cars. They were [00:12:00] awesome. They come out with their special editions, everything like that, and limited production quantities, everything like that.

So, getting your hands on those. I see like, uh, you know, more recent arguments, say, 812 TDF, 812 Comp. Um, those are, but now all of a sudden you have the IKONAS series. Now, obviously, some of those you cannot get them registered in the United States, but you know, where there’s a will, there’s a way. There’s always a way to work things around, show and display, what have you.

So, but, you know, you had your SP1, SP2, SP3. I’m sure there’ll probably be an SP4 somewhere there, and just kind of as a side note. That’s where they need to come and do a factory manual because this has actually been coming up in a lot of discussions and stuff. If you listen out there on podcasts, YouTube or anything like that, people are really starting to push.

Why are you not just building another factory manual? Look what, look what the market’s doing in regards to prices on cars that are factory manuals. Just look at, you know, 360s not so much, but look at F430s in regards to a factory manual. Compared to the F1 tranny and compared to a six speed swap car. I mean, just look at what’s the value wise is there.

But anyways, back to what we’re talking about. So anyways, so you look at what, [00:13:00] you know, they’re doing with the F80. Now look at McLaren dropped the W1. Now people are kind of like, wow, it really doesn’t look much different. You know, it’s got the center look to it. You know, I mean, it’s really not out to kind of like how the P1 was, but it’s got a twin turbo V8 in it.

Again, power, what have you. And it’s all about perspective. So I got V8, you know, it’s, it’s a little six cylinder in my car. Woo hoo. You know, I don’t care how much power you’re putting out there. I mean, You know, Ford did well with the GT, you know, their last one, they had the EcoBoost, they did the six cylinder in it, and people, when it first, you know, was coming out, they announced it, people were like, oh my god, six, they took a lot of shit for it, I will say that, but, the car did well, and people still doubled their money in regards to doing it.

Now, Ford tried to do the same thing in regards to, hey, you can’t resell it, do all that stuff, they tried to do it, but they lost. We have our friend, well, I say friend, but, Mr. John Cena, you know, kind of, uh, had his and he’s like, F you, you can’t tell me what I can do with this car because he got it and basically I think it was within a couple of months to turn around, so when [00:14:00] you were supposed to like, I know it was a year, two years, I can’t remember what it was.

You all know. So, but anyways, he then went to court and everything like that, but he won. There’s nothing they could do. It’s like, look, I own this car. How can you take dictate what I can do with this car if I own it? You know, it’d be, I guess it’d be one thing if you leased it, what have you like that kind of stuff, or, Hey, maybe your finances do for credit.

I don’t know, but you know, that’s what always baffled me is how a manufacturer can dictate. After the fact you buy and own this car I mean and that’s and it has you know I get with brand and stuff like that and protecting your brand and that kind of stuff But that’s a whole different ballgame. That’s a whole different argument in regards to what’s doing it.

I don’t get I buy a car I want to do it. It’s like hey if I went up, you know, I have my f 150 But then I you know, I I bought it then three slater I turn around and sold it and I saw where I paid for me a couple bucks or maybe I lose a couple dollars I don’t know I think Ford ain’t going to come after you.

I mean, so again, it’s kind of, it’s, I don’t know, it’s a little bit odd, but anyways, back to our discussion. What’s going on with F80s [00:15:00] is interesting because there’s actually, is it in Germany, I think it’s Germany, there’s a dealer who’s advertising an allocation spot for sale, just the spot. This doesn’t include the car.

For a little over 6. 3 million dollars they’re trying to sell the allocation for. Not the car, so you got the car’s price on that as well. So you’re going to be over 10 million dollars for an F80. Ain’t going to happen. You know, so I, someone’s reading for the moving stars and again, hey, someone’s just throwing something against the wall seeing what sticks.

But, It’s baffling. It’s absolutely baffling. And this has been going around so and I’m sure this person has been getting tons of calls and whatnot. They’re like, I don’t care what you think, someone will end up paying it. And again, it’s that thing. You can ask whatever you want, but what’s someone willing to pay?

And here’s the thing, if you put something out there, You know, depending on what it is, but you put something out there for sale, you’re going to have an asking price and you’re always going to set it high and say, look, all right, I know I’m not going to get this, but I’m gonna start here because I know someone’s going to come in and offer [00:16:00] me X.

I’m going to come back at Y and we’ll settle at Z. Possibly that’s what he’s doing, but if he sticks to his guns, he ain’t never going to get 6. 3 over it, someone’s going to make it, especially when there’s 20 allocations, I mean over 150 allocations still sitting out there, 20 percent of them are still available.

You know, and again, that’s a really tricky road to go when you take over an allocation spot like that, because then you kind of got to get, I don’t want to say shady, you know, there’s things to do where you have to set up a, You know, you set up a joint LLC with the person that has the allocation, all that kind of stuff.

And then after a year or two, when it’s all good, they sell you the LLC, they buy out for a dollar. It’s just, there’s all these, there’s a bunch of different ways to go about getting around it. But. I’ve never been a fan of it. I don’t like to partake in them. I just, I’m not comfortable doing that. I just, I just don’t like it.

Other people don’t care. Well, and not so much dealers. Well, you’re gonna have some shady dealers do it, but you know, other, you know, brokers out there, they don’t give a shit. They want to make their money. As soon as they get their check, they’re out the door. They don’t care. They’ll never revisit that subject again, and that person tries to [00:17:00] call and say it went sideways.

No more problem. You know, is, hey, your lawyer should have looked into it more, right? You know, so. Anyways, it’s just not something I like to delve into. So it’s going to be curious to see here how much longer it takes. If, you know, and what would be interesting is if there’s still allocations that are sitting out there once the first deliveries start happening of the F80, which I’m going to assume should be mid this year.

end of this year, you know, come summer, late summer, fall maybe, I think it is. Now, I could be wrong, might be a little sooner, but who knows. All of a sudden, you’re going to see it out there, someone’s going to have video on it. Hey, first delivery, I got my F80. It’s a spectacular car. It’s going to have unbelievable performance.

It’s going to drive phenomenally. I mean, it’s got so much tech, everything, you know, it’s going to be a great car. But here’s the thing is, you know, again, it’s that perception. When you have your true enthusiast, Don’t understand. That’s like with the Ford GT. You know what? Hey, it’s still gotta go. Crap load of horsepower, same thing with the F80.

It’s got over a thousand [00:18:00] horsepower. So I mean, look, the car is not going to be slow. It’s going to be fun to drive. It’s kind of a bigger car, but it’s going to be a lot of fun to drive this car. It’s going to be spectacular. So you can have your things. Well, I don’t care. You know, I’m going to, they’re just going to sit out and hold it because then they’re going to line it up with all their other Ferraris.

They got a nice little, you know, display there row going on. They’re going to start with their 288 and all the way down to their new F80. Again, these people got the money. So to them, It’s no big deal. It’s like, Oh, four million. Oh, I make that in a week. You know, that kind of stupid ass shit, you know, but again, it’s going to be interesting to see what happens in regards to that car once it starts hitting the ground and gets delivered to customers, you know, normally with these, you know, these halo cars, they’re sold out, you know, the allocations get there, they’re, you know, they have no issue.

The manufacturers, like they don’t even bat an eye. They’ll, they’ll get herself. I’m curious what’s going on possibly internally with Ferrari. I’m sure you have the people. Oh, don’t worry about it You know, give us some more time. They’ll all get taken care of We’ll get it [00:19:00] situated if for whatever reason the person who got the allocation decides that they don’t want it Which would be baffling if they did because that really just screws up their status and how Ferrari’s looking at them VIP wise But for whatever reason, someone says, no, there will be someone else that will step up and take it.

You know, it’s, it’s a given. There’s no doubt about that. I mean, it’s just, it’s a, it’ll just happen. So, but it’ll be interesting to see what comes about playing that. Cause obviously we know what the W1 is, but then, you know, Porsche don’t know what they’re doing. They have that mission X concept, but that’s all electric.

So, I mean, that’s, that’s night and day. I mean, that’s when you’re, you’re, you’re talking two totally different cards, in my opinion. Yeah, I see they’re in the place in this world. Yes, there’s the thing for electric cars to an extent, but the technology, everything that’s involved in these cars and not just electric cars, but what’s coming out.

It’s going to be interesting, you know, in the used car market side of stuff because you’re not going to be able to fix them. I mean, it’s just and it’s going to be cost prohibitive to want to [00:20:00] do it because it’s just going to be unbelievable. I mean, you can’t work on them yourself. There’s no way. I mean, uh, I don’t even think you can change a light bulb in or something or a headlight or anything like that, at least with these older cars from the 80s, 90s, early 2000s.

Like, you can work on them to some extent, I guess you could say, and it depends on your means and your wherewithal. But you know, there’s a lot of things you can do yourself. So, hey, you can offset stuff and hey, you get that pride. Hey, I worked out of myself, but you know, it’s These newer stuff, you ain’t touching that thing yourself.

There’s just no way. It ain’t gonna happen. It’s gonna be an interesting year in 2025 to see what happens with these F80s. Because again, you know, and listen, McCarron’s got W1 and I mean, you have all these other halo cars. You know, Aston Martin’s got, you know, the, you know, their Valkyrie, their Valhalla’s.

When you’re starting to get in that 4 million price, I mean, you’re Bugatti price range and stuff like that coming out. I mean, so you’re definitely up there with some very high profile cars. You’re not saying that Ferrari’s not high profile, but you know, your pool of cars, I guess you could say choice wise, it’s pretty big in actuality.

If you look at today, this today, [00:21:00] what’s going on out in that car market. Marketplace in that area at that level. So I mean you’re not limited to hey, there’s only a couple choices of cars But at that level, I mean you have a lot of choices out there in regards to what you can spend your money on I get I should say what you want to spend your millions of dollars on because all those cars are Multi million dollar cars now.

I want to throw this out there because here’s what stats right now but if you’re buying a car from Foreman’s and Yeah, it’s gonna be after I went you’re gonna be over 200 grand on it But the, the C8, Corvette C8 ZR1 should be, what, this fall I believe they’re going to start deliveries on it. Performance, everything like that be unbelievable.

Now that’s going to be a car, I’m just curious to see what they’re going to do with that. In regards to, are they going to, you know, try and stranglehold owners that they can’t resell, what have you. I don’t know, I know, you know, Chevy was trying to do that. Originally trying to but again, you know, how can you dictate to someone what you do with the car?

Contracts or not you sign everything. I don’t know. It just seems baffling to me, but [00:22:00] You have an unbelievable performance card for 200 grand, around 200 grand. Now, my guess, someone’s going to get that. You’re going to be looking at half a million bucks, 400 grand for those on a secondary market once they hit, you know, even if it takes a year that someone’s got to sit on it, because again, I’m trying to remember what the limited quantity, uh, uh, build up number is on those, but look at the costs that are between two, the CA has done phenomenal in regards to, I should say Chevrolet has done a fabulous job in regards to.

leveling up in regards to You know build materials everything’s on the interior of that car because that was always kind of its Achilles heel Then everybody mocked it. Yeah, I had the horsepower Yeah, I can have it but the interior when it was just crap because you’re like you’re getting buttons, you know from a Chevy Cavalier or something like that in there because you know, obviously pinching pennies accountants get involved Well, just use that one that we use on the s10.

Just put those switches in there You know, it’s and you saw that so but they’ve done X job but Let me see what happens there, but anyways [00:23:00] to kind of wrap this things up. We’ll see what happens with the f80 and their allocations and What happens down the road here because having that many out there?

That’s a significant number especially on that special of a car a limited production car. You know, the other thing is doing 799 of them that’s a lot that is a lot of cars But normally they’re doing like, you know, 299, 399, that kind of stuff. All of a sudden, they basically doubled in regards to what they want to do with tail cars.

And the amount of money they’re making on them, it’s just a patented thing. If you ever looked at Ferrari’s stuff, because obviously it’s a public company, you know, they only sell X amount of cars a year. Man, they make a crap load of money from just branding, everything like that. But they must be, they make a nice chunk of change on all the cars as well.

But I mean, They do very, very, very well. There’s no doubt about that for building what less than was it? 15, 000 cards a year. I think it is. Uh, I haven’t looked at production hours, but it’s not that many. It is not that many. Basically it’s what, you know, for GM or building a [00:24:00] day they’re building a year. So, but anyways, I’m going to wrap this up.

Appreciate you guys. Remember, uh, you got to try and get more of these out there, but hey, also check out the YouTube channel, everything like that. Like I said, if you got any questions, why not, you know, shoot me an email, william at theferrariadmarketplace. com. But also remember, check out our sponsors and supporters.

Check out motoringpodcast. net. Check out our other podcasts that we have available. Check out the exoticcarmarketplace. com. Check out theferrariadmarketplace. com. It all falls under there, but hey, check everything out. But guys, I appreciate you listening, and like I said, more to come here in the coming months.

And like I said. I will get off my ass and try and get more episodes out on a more frequent basis. Appreciate it guys. Have a good one.

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Copyright William Ross, Exotic Car Marketplace a division of Sixty5 Motorsports. This episode is part of Gran Touring Motorsports, Motoring Podcast Network and has been republished with permission.